近日,山东省德州军分区发出表彰通报,给予在配合地方“严打”斗争中奋勇排除危险爆炸物的临邑县人武部军事科参谋江世峰荣记二等功,并号召全区武装干部向他学习。 今年5月2日,正当人们尽情享受节日欢乐的时候,从林子镇孔家村传出骇人消息——杀人嫌疑犯孔德海在家中藏设了大量自制爆炸物,装药量足以毁坏周围数十米内的房屋建筑,全村人顿时惶恐不安。
In recent days, the Dezhou Military Region of Shandong Province issued a commendation circular to give second-class commendation to Jiang Shifeng, a military staff member of the Military Section of the Linyi County People’s Armed Police Department, who courageously eliminate dangerous explosives in the fight against “strike hardship” in the local areas and called on all armed cadres in the region to learn from him . On May 2 this year, just as people enjoyed their festivals and joyful days, appalling news came from Kongji Village in Linzi Town that murder suspect Kong Dehai had a large amount of homemade explosives stored in his house at a rate sufficient to destroy tens of meters around Housing construction, the whole village people suddenly uneasy.