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自觉把保持和维护党的纯洁性的要求贯穿于党风廉政建设和反腐败各项工作中,把加强对党员干部的教育作为维护党的纯洁性的重要基础,把加强作风建设作为维护党的纯洁性的重要内容,把坚决惩治腐败作为维护党的纯洁性的有力手段,把有效预防腐败作为维护党的纯洁性的重要途径,扎扎实实做好维护党的纯洁性的各项工作。党的纪律检查机关,肩负着维护党的纯洁性的神圣使命,必须按照党中央的部署和要求,切实增强责任感、使命感和紧迫感,从保持和维护党的纯洁性的高度深刻认识反腐倡廉建设的重要性,自觉把保持和维护党的纯洁性的要求贯穿于党风廉政建设和反腐败各项工作中, Consciously maintain the requirements of maintaining and safeguarding the purity of the party throughout the work of building a clean government and fighting corruption. We should strengthen education of party members and cadres as an important foundation for safeguarding the purity of the party. We should regard strengthening the work style building as the means of safeguarding the party’s Purity of the important content of the resolutely punish corruption as a powerful means of safeguarding the purity of the party, the effective prevention of corruption as an important way to safeguard the purity of the party, solidly do a good job in maintaining the party’s purity of the work. The discipline inspection organ of the party shoulders the sacred mission of safeguarding the purity of the party. It must earnestly enhance its sense of responsibility, sense of mission and urgency in accordance with the arrangements and requirements of the party Central Committee, and profoundly understand the principles of anti-corruption advocated from the viewpoint of maintaining and maintaining the purity of the party The importance of building a clean government and conscientiously keeping the requirements of maintaining and safeguarding the purity of the party throughout the work of building a clean government and fighting corruption,