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江苏省文化厅与中国剧协江苏分会于三月底联合召开了全省戏剧创作会议,号召剧作者积极深入生活,努力反映变革中的农村生活,并制定了励鼓剧作者深入生活的措施。为了贯彻会议精神,省文化厅剧目工作室于五月初组织省直属剧院、团专业剧作者二十余人赴长江三角洲农村参观访问。这个地区在三中全会正确路线、方针、政策及党中央一号文件指引下,面貌有了显著变化,乡镇企业莲勃发展,农村生产力有了迅猛的提高,其中有产值一亿元以上的两个“亿元乡”(无锡县前洲乡与沙洲县塘桥乡),有创造“一包三改”经济改革经验的无锡县堰桥乡,有物质文明建设与精神文明建设双优异的常熟市碧溪乡,等等。在经济基础急剧变革的江南农村,农民的精神面 At the end of March, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and China Drama Association Jiangsu Branch jointly held a meeting on drama creation in the province, calling on authors of writers to actively and in-depth life, making efforts to reflect the rural life in change, and formulating the measures for deepening the life of the authors of the drama encouraged by the Lev Drum. In order to implement the spirit of the conference, the provincial Department of Culture repertoire studio organized a provincial theater directly under the provincial government in early May, and more than 20 professional playwrights went to rural areas in the Yangtze River Delta for visits. Under the guidance of the correct line, guidelines and policies of the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session and the No.1 document of the Central Party Committee, there has been a remarkable change in the face of this region. With the vigorous development of township and village enterprises, the productivity of the rural areas has risen sharply. Among them, two have an output of more than 100 million yuan A million Yuan township (Qianzhou Township in Wuxi County and Tangqiao Township in Shazhou County), and Yanqiao Township, a county in Wuxi County that has created “one package and three reforms” economic reforms, has a double excellent Changshu County in the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization City Bixi Township, and so on. In the drastic transformation of the economic base in the southern rural areas, peasants’ mental outlook
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