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体位性房室传导阻滞主要是迷走神经的兴奋性增高所致。近几年来,我院所遇4例均误诊为心肌炎,为引起注意,现报告如下。例1.男,20岁。因失眠、头晕,偶有胸闷,当地医院诊断为风湿性心肌炎、二度Ⅰ型房室传导阻滞,给予青霉素及氢化可的松静脉滴注半个月无效,于1985年3月23日来我院就诊。查体:闻有心律不齐,化验、X线检查均正常。心电图示:窦性心律,平卧位心率60次,P—R间期从0.16秒递增为0.36秒后脱落一组QRS波群,呈3:2或4:3 Posterior atrioventricular block is mainly due to increased excitability of the vagus nerve. In recent years, our hospital encountered 4 cases were misdiagnosed as myocarditis, to attract attention, are as follows. Example 1. Male, 20 years old. Due to insomnia, dizziness, occasional chest tightness, the local hospital diagnosed with rheumatic myocarditis, second-degree atrioventricular block, given penicillin and hydrocortisone intravenous infusion of half a month ineffective, on March 23, 1985 Our hospital. Examination: Wen arrhythmia, laboratory tests, X-ray examination were normal. Electrocardiogram: sinus rhythm, supine heart rate 60 times, P-R interval increased from 0.16 seconds to 0.36 seconds after shedding a group of QRS wave was 3: 2 or 4: 3
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目的 评估后路非融合固定(Graf技术)应用于腰椎间盘退变性疾病的疗效.方法 分析13例非融合固定(A组)和21例融合固定(B组)治疗单节段腰椎退行性病变的Il缶床和影像学资料.视觉
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本文报告二尖瓣脱垂综合征120例。其中原发性110例,仅11例有症状;继发性10例,均有症状。并疫其病因、治疗和预后进行了讨论。 This article reports 120 cases of mitral va
国外许多学者将再障中具有1.粒细胞低于500;2.血小板低于2万;3.贫血,纠正后网织红细胞低于1%,三项中二项;骨髓增生低下,非造血细胞多于70%称重症再障。Camitta 报道,重症再