
来源 :中国全科医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bkguo2008
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编辑老师:您好!目前,神经外科对于颅脑术后和颅脑外伤患者均有使用大量激素的现象,认为激素可以减轻脑水肿。但是在神经内科对于脑卒中引起的脑水肿却很少将激素作为常规用药,请教专家对于这类患者到底应不应该用激素?如果用,用量为多少?用多长时间为宜?此问题困扰临床已久,近 Editor: Hello! At present, neurosurgery for craniocerebral trauma and cranial trauma patients have a large number of hormones, that hormones can reduce cerebral edema. However, in neurology for cerebral edema caused by stroke seldom hormone as a routine medication, consult an expert for such patients in the end should not be used hormones? If used, the amount for? How long should it be? This problem plaguing Clinical has been a long time
Animal manure consists of predominantly urine and feces,but also may contain bedding materials,dropped feed,scurf,and other farming wastes.Manure is typically a
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Soil macroinvertebrates are highly diverse and their major ecological service include breakdown of organic matter and in turn improve soil fertility and pill-mi
Soil temperature is a major effective factor on the soil and plant biological properties.Irrigation can affect soil temperature and thereby induces a temperature effect on plant growth,which may resul
Soil quality assessment has been suggested as an effective tool for evaluating sustainability of soil and crop management practices.The objective of this study