校友学术风采 王奇生教授

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王奇生,1963年生,湖南湘乡人,现任北京大学历史系教授、博士生导师,华中师范大学中国近代史研究所兼职教授。1984年武汉大学历史系本科毕业,1988年武汉大学历史系硕士毕业,1994—1997年在章开沅先生指导下攻读中国近现代史博士学位,博士学位论文为《国民党基层权力群体研究》。曾任职于中国第二历史档案馆、华中师范大学历史研究所、中国社会科学院近代史研究所,并于日本爱知大学、美国斯坦福大学、台北中研院近代史研究所任客座研究员。2007年入选国家人事部等七部委“新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选”。2012年获国务院政府特殊津贴,并入选《南方人物周刊》“2012中国魅力人物”。 Wang Qisheng, born in 1963, a native of Xiangxiang, Hunan Province, is currently a professor of history at Peking University, a doctoral tutor, and an adjunct professor at the Institute of Modern Chinese History at Huazhong Normal University. He graduated from the History Department of Wuhan University in 1984. He graduated from the History Department of Wuhan University in 1988 with a master’s degree. In 1994-1997, under the guidance of Mr. Zhang Kaiyuan, he studied for a doctorate degree in modern and contemporary Chinese history. His doctoral dissertation was “Research on the Power Groups of the Kuomintang at the Basic Level.” He has worked in the Second Historical Archives of China, the Institute of History of Huazhong Normal University and the Institute of Modern History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He is also a visiting fellow at the Institute of Modern History Studies at Aichi University in Japan, Stanford University in the United States and Taipei Institute of Research. In 2007, he was elected to seven ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Personnel and the State Personnel of New Century Talents Project. In 2012, it was granted special government allowance by the State Council and was selected as “Southern People Magazine” and “2012 China Charm”.
作者简介:   王志平,湖南民族职业学院党委委员、学前教育学院院长,副教授。现为政协岳阳市第八届委员会委员、岳阳市美协副主席、岳阳市中国画艺委会主任,湖南应用学院艺术设计专业外聘教授、湖南理工學院美术学院课程建设外聘专家、教育部教指委学前教育专委会委员。2014年国画作品获中国美协全国中国画展(最高奖)优秀奖。
从初中历史课程素质教育创新模式探讨的必要性和初中历史课程素质教育创新模式的教学策略两方面进行了探讨。 This paper discusses the necessity of exploring the innova
作者简介:   吕凌志,哈尔滨师范大学硕士研究生。研究方向:中国画艺术。   王鑫雅,哈尔滨师范大学硕士研究生。研究方向:中国画艺术。   孙宇慧,哈尔滨师范大学硕士研究生。研究方向:中国画艺术。   赵妤婷,哈尔滨师范大学碩士研究生。研究方向:书法与篆刻艺术。
作者單位:   内蒙古大学艺术学院