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中央人民政府第一机械工业部发布了「关于目前国营机械工业的情况及今后工作部署要点的指示」。这个指示总结了我国国营机械工业三年多来的基本情况和目前存在的问题,指出了今后发展的方针、任务和完成任务的方法。它对我国机械工业进一步的整理、改建和发展,将起有力的指导作用。机械工业是实现国家工业化和改造国民经济的主要部门和主导企业。机器制造业是工业的心脏,是重工业的核心,是工业的神经中枢,是改造国民经济技术的物质基础。没有一个独立而完整的机械工业,就不可能实现国家的工业化,也就谈不到国家在经济上的独立。斯大林同志在「论苏联经济状况和党的政策」中教导我们说:「工业化底中心、它的基础,就是发展重工业(燃料、五金等等),归根到底,就是发展生产资料的生产,发展本国的机器制造业。」在「第一个五年计划的总结」中,斯大林同志指出:「五年计划的基本环节是什么呢?五年计划的基本环节,就是重工业和它的核心,即机器制造业,因为只有重工业,才能把全部工业、运输业以及农业都改造过 The Ministry of Machinery Industry of the Central People’s Government issued the “Guidance on the State of the State-owned Machinery Industry and the Key Points for Future Work and Deployment”. This directive summarizes the basic situation and current problems of the state-owned machinery industry in China for more than three years, and points out the guidelines, tasks, and methods for accomplishing the tasks for future development. It will play a guiding role in the further sorting out, rebuilding and development of China’s machinery industry. The machinery industry is the main department and leading enterprise that realizes the industrialization of the country and transforms the national economy. Machine manufacturing industry is the heart of industry, the core of heavy industry, the nerve center of industry, and the material basis for transforming national economy and technology. Without an independent and complete mechanical industry, it is impossible to realize the industrialization of the country and to talk about the economic independence of the country. Comrade Stalin taught us in the “State of the Soviet economy and the party’s policies”: “The bottom of industrialization and its foundation is the development of heavy industry (fuel, hardware, etc.). In the final analysis, it is the development of the production of production materials and the development of the country itself. The “machine manufacturing industry.” In the “summary of the first five-year plan,” Comrade Stalin pointed out: “What is the basic link of the five-year plan? The basic link of the five-year plan is heavy industry and its core, the machine. In the manufacturing industry, only heavy industry can transform all industries, transportation and agriculture.
在时尚行业工作了二十几年的Thomas J.O’Neill,现在终于找到了一个可以看到最美丽风景的天台。问他在Harry Winston工作得到了什么,他的回答干净利落:“一个可以和世界上最
我始终认为中国五千年的文化元素是博大精深的,不仅是设计师最大的资产,也是所有中国人的财富。而我现在做的只是从三千溺水中取一瓢饮而已。 I always believe that the fi