李敬泽,1964年出生。1980年考入北京大学中文系。曾在《小说选刊》、《人民文学》等杂志工作。曾任《人民文学》杂志主编。著名作家、文学评论家。现任中国作协副主席。李敬泽穿着The North Face的裤子,蓝色运动衫,叼着一只烟斗,不时摁响打火机,“啪”的一声火苗蹿出,烟斗里的烟叶明暗隐约,发出滋滋的声音。开始吞云吐雾,开始慢条斯理,开始把眼睛稍稍抬起,望向窗外,然后用很清淡的声音提起一个个文学问题。节奏不快,但时不时就抛出一个足以让人频频点头的观点,他是在不经意间就出手的,亮出一个评论家的犀利和缜密,以及对灵感的敏锐——有的时候观点来自天长日久的观察和积累,有的时候观点只是来自灵光乍现。
Li Jingze, born in 1964. In 1980 admitted to Peking University Chinese Department. In “Novel Selection”, “People’s Literature” and other magazines. Former “People’s Literature” magazine editor. Famous writer, literary critic. The current vice chairman of the Chinese Writers Association. Li Jingze wearing The North Face pants, blue sweatshirt, dangling from a pipe, ringing the lighter from time to time, “snapped ” the sound of a flames out, the tobacco pipe in the darkness and diminutive, issued ZiZi voice. Began to puff, began to slow down, began to lift his eyes a little, looking out the window, and then use a very light voice to raise a literary issue. Rhythm is not fast, but from time to time to throw a point enough to make people nodded frequently, he was inadvertently shot, showing a sharp and meticulous criticism, as well as the sensitivity of inspiration - and sometimes from a long time perspective Observe and accumulate, sometimes the point of view is only from Emmanuel.