Duty—Free Island Fever

来源 :China Pictorial | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youngyyw
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  On April 20, 2011, Hainan became the world'sfifth island to implement duty-free policy af-ter South Korea's Jeju Island, Japan's Oki-nawa Island, and Kinmen and Matsu Islands
Where is this Chinese Utopia? People have beensearching for the place Tao described hundreds of yearsago,creating a variety of interpretations.
No matter the country or culture, weddingsalways rank near the top of social rituals.Statistics show that every year on average,2.5 percent of China's GDP is spent on wed-dings. From a cultural aspect
Despite roaring winds, the slim trees on the faredge of the wide Tengger Desert stand firm.A closer look at the trees reveals that each iswrapped with plastic film and that they re-
Siguniang from Chengdu is to rent a car or bus with othertravelers. Chengdu, a long-time gateway to Tibet and west-em Sichuan, boasts well-developed chartered travel busi-ness, and the cost is lower t
This miracle of resurrection can be attributed totireless efforts of the Chinese people over the past threeyears. Weeks after the quake, the State Council formulat-
A bout 700 Guizhou snub-nosed monkeys, alsoknown as gray golden-hair monkeys, callMount Fanjing, the main peak of Guizhou.Province's Wuling Mountains, home. The pri-mate, characterized by gray and bro
A long with the Great Wall, Forbidden City, and Peking Opera, what other cultural icon comes to mind when China is mentioned? Food.does, for many people. China's time-honored
Last June, he went into the mountains with 10 col-leagues and planned to station themselves near the fluo-rite mine while enduring the tough days of pre-surveyingneeded for the mine's resources to be
The falling flakes of snowoften serve as a subtle remind-er of the countdown of the finalmoments of the year. After expe-riencing spring rains, summerheat, and the autumn harvest,many have no trouble
During his tenure as general manager of SanyaDongtian Park Development Ltd., Sun Donghas received considerable recognition. Over a10-year span, his team turned Dongtian Park