助他人健康帮自己赚钱 泰复专业醒酒产品风生水起

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随着经济的空前繁荣,各种行业也在层出不穷地涌现,其间一个另类的行业悄然兴起,并在三年之内得到蓬勃发展,那就是由上海泰复生物科技开发有限公司打创出的一片新天地——专业醒酒产品新市场。该公司短短的三年在全国十个省几百个城市发展了数百家代理商,并保持着稳定增长的良好势头。2005年取得了骄人的销售业绩,已成为解酒产品市场的第一品牌。 With the unprecedented prosperity of the economy, various industries are emerging in an endless stream. During this period, an alternative industry has emerged quietly and developed vigorously within three years. It is a piece of product created by Shanghai Taifu Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd. Xintiandi - a new market for professional sobering products. The company has developed hundreds of agents in hundreds of cities in 10 provinces in China for only three short years, and has maintained a good momentum of steady growth. In 2005, it achieved remarkable sales performance and became the first brand in the hangover product market.
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