The evolution of tianxia cosmology and its philosophical implications

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The terminology tianxia has both historical evolution and cultural and philosophical connotations.This concept not only denotes a geographical and spatial meaning,but also implies the moral construct of metaphysics.A systematic study of its historical and cultural repercussions can show that the evolution of the meaning"tianxia"not only embodies the cosmological construction,moral belief and SeIf-identity of the Chinese nation,but also manifests the historical processes of modern China evolving from"tianxia"to a modern nation-state.Meanwhile,the deconstruction of the tianxia cosmology has shattered the old Chinese concept of a single united tianxia,or the whole world under one Heaven.Also,"Confucian China"has been increasingly losing its vitality and strong hold on the people,while the concept of nation-state has gained its way into people's consciousness,which has added more diversity and open-mindedness to the concept of tianxia.
我不想称赞母亲的勤劳、能干,也不想说母亲对儿女多么关心、怜爱,我只想说,作为一个女人,母亲的乐观和勇敢给我的影响极深。 那个寒冷的冬天,诊断书如雪上加霜,增添了冬的冷
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Taking a panoramic view on the history of mod philosophy,we can le that political philosophy,a new arena for mod philosophy,has become an important field in phi