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结肠直肠肿瘤是消化系统常见病,其发病率逐年上升。近年研究认为脂联素是脂肪细胞特异分泌的生物活性因子,与几种肥胖相关性肿瘤的关系越来越受到人们的关注。以下对脂联素与结肠直肠肿瘤的相关性作一综述,希望能为结肠直肠肿瘤的防治提供新的思路和方法。1脂联素与结肠直肠肿 Colorectal cancer is a common digestive system, the incidence increased year by year. In recent years, adiponectin is considered as a bioactive factor of adipose cell-specific secretion. It has attracted more and more attention with several obesity-related tumors. The following summarizes the correlation between adiponectin and colorectal cancer, hoping to provide new ideas and methods for the prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer. 1 adiponectin and colorectal swelling