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圆柱齿轮是各种机械产品的基础零件之一,其加工工艺水平对产品的性能、生产率及成本有直接影响。随着机械产品向高速、重载、高精度发展,硬齿面齿轮的应用更加普遍,对齿轮的精度要求也更加严格。近几年来在贯彻JB179-83“渐开线圆柱齿轮精度标准”中,各企业、科研单位做了大量工作,对提高我国齿轮制造的工艺水平起了很大的推动作用。从机床、汽车、拖拉机齿轮来看,大多是批量大,中等精度(7-6-6级以下)的齿轮。各企业在贯标中还存在不少质量问题,突出地表现为齿形误差△f(?)和齿向误差△F_β达不到精度标准,从而使齿轮强度降低、噪声增大,影响产品的使用性能和寿命。从1985年对汽车齿轮精度抽样检测结果看,上述两项误差的不合格率达75%以上,可见这两误差的严重性。 Cylindrical gears are the basic parts of various mechanical products, the level of their processing technology has a direct impact on product performance, productivity and cost. With the mechanical products to high-speed, heavy load, high-precision development, the application of hardened gear more common, the accuracy of the gear requirements are more stringent. In recent years in implementing JB179-83 “involute cylindrical gear accuracy standards”, all enterprises and research institutes have done a lot of work, to improve the level of our gear manufacturing technology has played a significant role in promoting. From the machine, car, tractor gear point of view, mostly large quantities, medium precision (7-6-6 below) gear. There are still many quality problems in the standardization of enterprises, which are prominently manifested as that the tooth profile error △ f (?) And the tooth direction error △ F_β can not reach the accuracy standard, so that the gear strength is reduced and the noise is increased, affecting the product Use performance and life expectancy. From 1985 on the gear precision sampling test results, the above two errors failed rate of 75% or more, we can see the seriousness of these two errors.
TMCP处理是一种由控制轧制和控制冷却相结合的组合工艺,简称热机械控制过程(Thermo-Mechanical eontrol proess)。 TMCP processing is a combination of controlled rolli
文中介绍了英国Glacier公司研制的四种轴承材料。AS 104(AlSn10Si4Cu1)和RB77E(AlSn10Si4Cu2)为铝锡硅合金,系连续铸造,随后轧结到钢背上,二者之间有铝箔中间层,最后进行热处
在R.E.Reed-Hill提出的体心立方合金塑性变形总流变应力的物理模型的基础上,建立了一种置换式面心立方合金Cu—3.1at.% Sn的总流变应力的表象模型.此总流变应力由三项组成,即内应力、有效应力及由于动态
<正> 第39届IIW年会于1986年7月13日至19日在日本东京举行。出席这次会议的代表来自42个国家,共942名代表。这次会议是1973年以来规模最大的一次,我国派出16名代表,宣读16篇