1998年起 ,经调整后的安庆港领导班子团结带领全港职工顽强拼搏 ,实现了三年扭亏的奋斗目标 ,职工收入从1999年起逐年增加 ,2000年在岗职工人均年收入比上年同期增长了18 8%。实践使我们深深体会到 ,唯有体制创新 ,强化内部的改革 ,才能使港口在激烈的市场经济
Since 1998, the adjusted leadership of Anqing Port has led the unity of workers in Hong Kong and led the hard-working workers in Hong Kong to achieve the goal of turning losses into profits in three years. The income of workers has been increasing year by year since 1999, and the annual per capita income of workers and staff increased in 2000 over the previous year. 18 8%. Practice has enabled us to deeply understand that only through institutional innovation and strengthening of internal reforms can the port be built in a fierce market economy