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丈夫的单位今天下午聚餐。独自吃过晚饭,我洗了个澡,在阳台上边玩手机边晾头发。就在我准备起身离开阳台的时候,一个女人进入了我的视线。  此时太阳距离西山顶很近,就像一个迟暮的人,散发着缺乏温度的光。  那个女人就在这昏黄的天光中迟疑地朝着这个小区走来。不是本地人,我一看就知道,她没有在一个小县城常年居住,对一切了然于胸的那种笃定和从容,也没有乡下人那种惶惑甚至紧张。她并不急于赶路,而是边走边四下观望
躺在布满灰尘的日子里  十九楼的高度让人窒息  白色窗帘后面  世界小如一道缝隙  居高临下让我恐慌  失重的错觉  高楼会轰然倒塌  自己会粉身碎骨  楼下彻夜轰鸣  施工的人没有睡  便坦然接受了失眠  在这狭长拥塞的城市  还有什么比宽容更值得拥有  夜 光  从我所在的五楼窗户往外看  城市微缩如一扇窗  高楼里传出微弱的灯光  马路上的车辆,变得越来越少  繁华渐入衰老之势,三个人走进药
澜沧江旁的甘蔗野蛮生长  雀鸟带来了北方,冬小麦成熟的讯息  回到农村的年轻人笨拙的手脚  被生活这把镰刀所束缚住  学着祖父母的手法,打理麦穗、麦茬  牧羊人的吆喝声如同一颗子弹  穿破火车的车窗,更改了列车走向  一路向东,一路向东  五月的故乡和这场景截然相反  它种不出冬小麦,种不出甘蔗  是阡陌桑田里,农忙人插秧、灌水  这场景印刻在车窗之上  我不会插秧,也没下过水田  这是农家子弟的
With the rapid development of communication technology,people\'s demand for ultra-high-speed wireless links becomes higher,among which terahertz spectra are considered as one of the most promising spectra.In this paper,we analyze the channel characteris
Screening similar historical fault-free candidate data would greatly affect the effectiveness of fault detection results based on principal component analysis (PCA).In order to find out the candidate data,this study compares unweighted and weighted simila
The electromagnetism-like (EM) algorithm is a meta-heuristic optimization algorithm,which uses a novel searching mechanism called attraction-repulsion between charged particles.It is worth pointing out that there are two potential problems in the calculat
The aims of this study are to provide a strain and its optimal application in electro-producting performance for revealing the electrical generating mechanism in the future.We constructed microbial fuel cells (MFCs) device that was a bipolar chamber MFC,u