
来源 :兵团建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LUOLIJIAN88
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新中国成立以来首次新疆工作座谈会日前召开,中央决定举全国之力,把新疆这块伟大祖国的宝地建设得更加美好。胡锦涛总书记强调,新疆生产建设兵团在新疆发挥着建设大军、中流砥柱、铜墙铁壁的作用。对新疆维吾尔自治区的支持政策兵团同样适用,对困难地区和对口支援受援地区的政策所在地兵团师、团场同样适用。要把城镇化、新型工业化、农业现代化作为兵团特殊体制和社会主义市场经济体制紧密结合的有效措施,通过安排中央预算内投资和国有资本经营预算等渠道扶持兵团产业发展,加大对兵团的综合财力补助力度,提高中央财政对兵团公共事业发展的保障水平,加强兵团干部人才队伍建设,增强兵团自我发展能力,支持兵团切实履行好屯垦戍边的重要职责。请看本刊据新华社的报道—— The first working symposium in Xinjiang since the founding of new China was convened recently, and the central government decided to lift the power of the whole country to build a better treasure for the great motherland of Xinjiang. General Secretary Hu Jintao emphasized that the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps has played the role of building an army, the mainstay and the iron wall in Xinjiang. The same applies to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region’s Support Policy Corps, which is also applicable to the regiment divisions and delegations where the policy of the affected areas and the areas in difficulty are supported. We must take urbanization, new-type industrialization and agricultural modernization as effective measures to closely integrate the special system of the Corps with the socialist market economy. We should support the development of the Corps through the arrangements for central budgetary investment and state-owned capital management and other channels, and increase the comprehensiveness of Corps We will increase the level of financial assistance provided by the central government to safeguard the public utilities of the Corps, strengthen the building of cadres’ talent pool and enhance the self-development capability of the Corps, and support Corps in earnestly fulfilling the important duties of reclaiming and guarding the frontiers. According to Xinhua News Agency reported this issue -
2010年6月1 8日至6月20日,以’建设绿色内蒙古、科学发展、保护环境、节约资源“为主题的”第二届中国内蒙古国际低碳产业及节能减排科技博览会”在呼和浩特市内蒙古国际会展
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自从课程改革以来,体育课的内容就变得很灵活。但从学习情况来看,不少学生在体育课上的学习性不高,究其原因是学生没有学习兴趣。 Since the curriculum reform, the conten
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