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现代文明社会,文化与名牌商品已成为一对孪生兄弟。文化支撑着名牌的丰富内涵,而名牌则展示着其代表的独特文化魅力,二者相映成辉。没有文化就没有名牌,早已是人们的共识。但如何使文化开发与名牌产品开发有机地结合起来,融两者为一体,则是实际操作中较难把握的问题。曹雪芹家酒的前身是河北省丰润县左家坞酒厂生产的浭酒,有400年历史,但它一直处于小本经营状态。自从1993年4月改为曹雪芹家酒总公司后,生产曹雪芹家酒系列产品。今年第一季度的利税相当于总公司成立前三年的总和。销售范围也由原来丰润县邻近的9个县区,扩大到主宰唐山市场,走俏北京、沈阳,锦西等地,并引来了福建、广东、陕西、黑龙江等地客商,甚至把生意做到了台湾、马来西亚。知名度也越来越大。短短两年大发展的成功奥秘就是他们实施了一条依托文化创名牌的战略。 Modern civilized society, culture and brand-name goods have become twin brothers. Culture supports the rich connotation of famous brands, while brand names display the unique cultural charm of their representatives. Without culture, there is no brand name. It has long been the consensus of people. However, how to organically combine cultural development with brand-name product development and integrate them into one is a problem that is difficult to grasp in practical operations. The predecessor of Cao Xueqin’s house wine is the liquor produced by the Zuojiawu Winery in Fengrun County, Hebei Province. It has 400 years of history, but it has been in a small business state. Since Cao Xueqin’s home wine company was renamed in April 1993, Cao Xueqin’s home wine products have been produced. The profits and taxes in the first quarter of this year are equal to the sum of the three years prior to the establishment of the parent company. The sales scope has also expanded from the nine neighboring counties and districts in Fengrun County to dominate the Tangshan market, and it has become popular in Beijing, Shenyang, Jinxi and other places. It has also attracted merchants from Fujian, Guangdong, Shaanxi, and Heilongjiang, and even made the business successful. Taiwan, Malaysia. The popularity is also growing. The secret to the success of the two years of great development is that they have implemented a strategy that relies on cultural brand names.