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拨开网络泡沫,看看沉浮后有些速茫的电子商务,人们认识到信息化建设并不是简单的e化,而是建立在对传统企业的整体运作流程清晰化、简单化、安全化的改革基础上。随着电子政务从办公自动化,政府信息化的不断深入,越来越多的行业运用信息技术进行管理,互联网的迅猛发展更让业内人士措手不及,信息安全问题日渐突出,成为人们关注的焦点。据10月中旬有关信息安全业的调查显示,与2000年同期相比,2001年美国网络服务器遭到攻击的次数增加一倍。其中近50%受调查公司的服务器在今年曾受到来自外部的攻击,比2000年上升24%;有近90%的公司曾遭到各种电脑病毒的侵袭,近40%的服务器曾受到“拒绝服务”的攻击。从目前的情况来看。我国各层面对网络的依赖没有像发达国家那样紧密,但是由于国际化发展趋势日渐增强,对信息安全的要求与信息化发展的程度成正比。因此,我国的信息安全将是一个巨大的市场,有关机构预测,未来几年内我固信息安全有望达到500亿至1000亿元人民币的市场容量。 After opening up the Internet bubble and looking at e-commerce, which has undergone rapid growth after the ups and downs, people have realized that informatization is not simply e-formation, but is based on a clear, simple, and secure reform of the overall operation of traditional enterprises. basically. With the development of e-government from office automation and government informatization, more and more industries use information technology to manage. The rapid development of the Internet has caught the attention of industry professionals. The problem of information security has become increasingly prominent and has become the focus of attention. According to a survey conducted by the information security industry in mid-October, compared with the same period in 2000, the number of attacks on U.S. web servers doubled in 2001. Nearly 50% of the companies surveyed had received external attacks this year, up 24% from 2000; nearly 90% of the companies had been attacked by various computer viruses, and nearly 40% of the servers had been rejected Service "attacks. From the current situation. Reliance on the Internet at all levels in China is not as close as that of developed countries. However, due to the increasing trend of internationalization, the requirements for information security are proportional to the degree of information development. Therefore, China’s information security will be a huge market. The relevant agencies predict that in the next few years, our solid information security is expected to reach a market capacity of 50 to 100 billion yuan.
11月6日,美国微软公司反垄断案中作为原告的18个州中有9个州同意接受微软公司与美国司法部达成的调解协议,但其它州却表示要把这场官司进行到底。 司法部9月初宣布不再寻求
2001年中国国际皮革展9月26日在上海拉开帷幕。在为期四天的展览中,温州参展企业个性突 The 2001 China International Leather Fair opened in Shanghai on September 26t
液晶显示产品(LCD)价格的显著下跌使其在个人消费市场的发展开始有了很大的发展空间,不过 NEC(香港)多媒体显示产品部经理许至诚表示,由于 LCD自身具有环保、轻薄、耗电低和
1 投资类电子产品成为拉动全行业经济增长的主要力量投资类电子产品自1998年超过消费类电子产品以来,生产始终保持快速增长势头。今年1月~5月生产增速继续加快,增速为59.2%,