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中国宇航学会计量与测试专业委员会于1987年10月16~20日在桂林市召开了首次《光学计量测试学术交流会》,会议由航天部第三计量测试研究所筹办。参加交流会的有哈尔滨工业大学、长春光机所、上海技物所、西北电讯工程学院等9个单位15名代表,宣讲了16篇学术论文。论文反映了国内特别是宇航光学计量测试状况及动向,如:φ80mm热管式面辐射源曾获全国第三届发明展览会三等奖;将蒙特卡罗解用于黑体辐射理论解决红外区的镜-漫反射 China Aerospace Society Metrology and Testing Committee held its first Optical Metrology Academic Exchange Meeting in Guilin from October 16 to October 20, 1987. The meeting was organized by the Third Metrology Institute of the Ministry of Space. There were 15 representatives from 9 units, including Harbin Institute of Technology, Changchun Institute of Optics and Technology, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Northwest Telecommunications Engineering Institute, etc., and 16 academic papers were preached. Papers reflect the domestic situation, especially aerospace optical metrology test conditions and trends, such as: φ80mm heat pipe surface radiation source won the Third National Invention Exhibition Third Prize; the Monte Carlo solution to blackbody radiation theory to solve the infrared region of the mirror - Diffuse reflection
A general formula for the multi-dimensional Monte Carlo microcanonical nonadiabatic rate constant expressed in configuration space is applied to calculate the r
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本文定量地导出了反馈放大器的E_n—I_n等效输入噪声模型参量与基本放大器和反馈网络的模型参量间的解析关系式,给出了低噪声反馈放大器的设计要点。 This paper quantitati
IN 2010,China’s cinema box office surpassed RMB 10 billion,some 2 billion of which was earned by two Hollywood blockbusters - 2012 and Avatar.They both incorpo