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本文是针对住房保障政策的探索性与描述性的研究。本文的研究问题为:城市中低收入居民住房保障情况与住房市场化之间的关系。研究目的为:通过资料分析以及国际住房政策对比研究,探讨政府对于住房问题的主导作用与住房保障效果之间的关系。本文采用文献法以及比较研究的方法,在简要介绍新加坡、香港、中国内地城市住房保障基本情况之后,比较分析三地住房保障效果,最后用对比的结果讨论和分析得出初步结论,即政府对住房市场的良性主导性越强,其住房保障可能就越好,并在此基础上提出完善住房保障制度的有效建议。 This article is an exploratory and descriptive study of housing security policies. The research questions of this paper are as follows: The relationship between housing security in housing for low and middle-income urban residents and housing market. The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between the leading role of government in housing and the effect of housing security through data analysis and comparison of international housing policies. This paper uses the literature method and the comparative research method to briefly introduce the basic situation of urban housing security in Singapore, Hong Kong and Mainland China. After comparing and analyzing the results of the three places, the preliminary conclusion is reached that the government The stronger the benign dominance of the housing market, the better its housing security may be, and based on this, put forward effective suggestions for improving the housing security system.
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