
来源 :艺术当代 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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《微物》展出的是上海艺术家鲁丹自去年参加上海油画雕塑院学术邀请展《存形类象》以来创作的一批新作品,延续了艺术家对架上绘画这一传统媒介的深入探索。艺术史上伟大的作品并非都表现的是宏大的历史场景或高大的英雄人物,而往往能以平凡卑微之物动人心弦,成就不朽的经典。被尊为“现代艺术之父”的法国艺术家塞尚一生画了大量的静物作品,以苹果橘子来确立宇宙万物的存在感;被中国艺术家熟知并推重的意大利艺术家莫兰迪则在桌面方寸之间 “Microblogging” is a collection of new works exhibited by Shanghai artist Ludan since he took part in the academic exhibition “Survival Class” at the Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute last year, continuing the artist’s exploration of the traditional medium of painting on the shelf . Not all of the greatest works in the history of art represent grand historical scenes or tall heroes, but they are often touched by ordinary humble objects and can make an immortal classic. Cezanne is regarded as the “father of modern art,” the French artist Cezanne painted a large number of life still life works, with apple oranges to establish the existence of the universe of all things; Chinese artists are well known and push the Italian artist Morandi on the desktop Between the inch
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