实用透视图作图法讲座 第十讲 实用建筑透视法小结

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小结之前,我们先简单介绍一下圆周的透视。圆是建筑中最常使用的曲线之一,圆平面所处的位置不同,圆周的透视也不相同。 一、圆周平行于画面时,其透视仍然是一个圆,只是半径大小有所改变。如图10—1,为一圆平面平行于画面的圆柱体,用一点透视基本作图法足线法先求出后面圆周的圆心O′_2,然后求出前后圆周水平半径的透视R_1和R_2,以此为半径分别画圆,就得到前后圆周的透视,连与两圆相切的透视线就可以完成圆柱体的透视了。 Before the summary, we first briefly introduce the perspective of the circle. The circle is one of the most commonly used curves in a building. The circular plane is in a different position and the perspective of the circumference is not the same. 1. When the circumference is parallel to the screen, the perspective is still a circle, but the radius has changed. Figure 10-1, a circular plane parallel to the screen of the cylinder, with a perspective of the basic drawing method foot line method first find the center of the circle O’_2, and then find the perspective radius of the front and rear circle perspective R_1 and R_2 In this way, by drawing a circle for each radius, a perspective of the front and rear circumferences is obtained, and the perspective of the cylinder can be completed even with perspective lines tangent to the two circles.
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