立足信访调研 搞好信息反馈

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近三年来,我们东台市信访局立足信访调研,努力搞好信息反馈,不断为领导决策提供多方位、多层次的服务,收到了较好效果。我局三年累计向各级领导机关报送168篇(件)信访信息,其中90%以上被市委、市政府领导批示,并有112篇(件)分别被中办国办信访局、省政府办公厅、省信访局和盐城市政府、盐城市信访局内刊采用或被新闻单位选用。我们的主要做法是: 一、围绕形势任务搞好信息反馈 我们在日常工作中,注重根据不同时期的形势和任务搞好信访信息反馈,为领导决策提供服务。1993年,国务院关于减轻农民负担的《条例》颁布后,农村信访量有所上升,我局针对有些乡镇群众反映强烈的负担偏重等问题,组织三个小组分头进行专题调研,然后根据收集到的大量第一手资料撰写了《谷贱导致的弃田现象应引起重视》、《农民手上仍有白条》等系列信访信息,均被省局或新闻单位采用,其中《办好一起村民信访,核减农民负担85万元》被《新华日报》刊登。1994年初夏,我局接连收到农民来信,反映上级奖售的粮棉挂钩柴油买不到,并以为是被基层克扣,要求市政府查处。我局通过到村组农户家庭调查,并到农机管理部门核对近几年来农用柴油的供应情况,了解到国家石油生产经营单位在报刊、电台上公开发表文章和讲话,表示当年农用柴油一定按? In the past three years, our Dongtai City Bureau of Public Complaints and Filing has been based on the investigation of letters and visits, strived to improve information feedback and provided multi-directional and multi-level service to leadership decision-making, and received good results. Over the past three years, our bureau has submitted 168 pieces of petitions and letters of information to the leading organs at all levels, of which over 90% have been instructed by the leaders of the municipal party committee and municipal government and 112 pieces have been inspected by the Complaints Office of the State Council, the provincial government General Office, Provincial Bureau of Letters and Complaints Bureau and Yancheng Municipal Government, Yancheng Bureau of Letters and Comms internal use or by the news unit selection. Our main approach is: First, do a good job of information feedback around the situation and tasks In our daily work, we pay attention to the feedback and feedback of letters and visits according to the situation and tasks in different periods and provide services for leading decision-making. In 1993, following the promulgation of the State Council’s “Regulations” on reducing the peasants’ burden, there was an increase in the amount of petition letters in the rural areas. The bureau organized three special sub-groups to carry out thematic investigations and researches on the problems that some township and town masses felt a heavy burden of reflection. A large number of first-hand information compilation of “valley humble caused by abandon field phenomenon should pay attention”, “peasants still have white stripes” and other series of petition information, are the provincial bureau or press units to adopt, including “ Nuclear reduction of peasant burden 850,000 yuan ”was“ Xinhua Daily ”published. In the early summer of 1994, our bureau received a series of letters from peasants, reflecting the fact that grain-cotton-linked diesel sold at a higher level to the public for sale could not be bought and was thought to be deducted by the grassroots level and required the municipal government to investigate and punish it. Our bureau passed the household survey to the village group household and went to the farm machinery management department to check the supply of agricultural diesel oil in recent years. It was learned that the national oil production and management unit published articles and speeches in newspapers and radio stations,
有的女孩子谈不上漂亮,但就是让人感觉舒服;有的女孩五官精致,却始终与人有距离感。现在,在自己面前摆一面镜子,一边照镜子,一边认真回答。  下面测试的问题,看看你的外表好感度到底是几分……  1.你的脸型属于哪一种?  圆脸或鹅蛋脸——到第3题  四方脸或倒三角脸——到第4题  2.你喜欢粉红色的眼影甚于蓝色眼影吗?  是——到第7题  否——到第6题  3.以下哪件事情比较令你烦恼?  长痘痘——
鼻出血是一种常见的症状。鼻出血后,头不要往后仰,也不要低头,而应让血液顺利地从鼻腔流出。下列六种止血法,都能收到明显的效果。 一、用冰袋敷鼻梁及前额,这样可以反射性
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