Effective Ways to Teach Listening Comprehension

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  Quality input ensures quality output. Input gained from listening can have a key role in language acquisition. In this essay, the writer will discuss this question basing on analyzing the nature of listening comprehension, the skills used in listening comprehension and factors affecting listening comprehension. The writer will also provide some effective ways on teaching listening comprehension.
  Ⅰ. The nature of listening comprehension
  Listening is often characterized as a passive skill. Learners are thought of as sponge, passively absorbing the language input provided by textbooks and tapes. However this is misleading, because listening demands active involvement from the hearer. Listening, that is, making sense of what we hear is a constructive process in which the learner is an active participant. The nature of listening means that the learner should be encouraged to engage in an active process of listening for meanings, using not only the linguistic cues but also his non-linguistic knowledge.
  Ⅱ. The skills used in listening comprehension
  When the hearer is exposed to the listening materials, he will use two skills:bottom-up and top-down.
  Bottom-up refers to that part of the aural comprehension process in which the understanding of the ‘heard’ language is worked out proceeding from sounds to words to grammatical relationships in lexical meanings. In the bottom-up part of the listening process, we use our knowledge of language and our ability to process acoustic signals to make sense of the sounds that listening material presents to us, which is a decoding process.
  Top-down listening infers meaning from contextual clues and from making links between the spoken message and various types of prior knowledge which listeners hold inside their heads. In a word, top-down involves the listener’s ability to bring prior information to bear on the task of understanding the “heard” language.
  It would be mistaken to see top-down and bottom-up strategies as somehow in opposition. In fact, effective listening needs to add top-down strategies to bottom-up strategies. It is now generally accepted that both function simultaneously and are mutually dependent.
  Ⅲ. Factors affecting good listening
  In an English class, students, teacher and listening materials can all become factors affecting good listening.
  1. How do students affect good listening?
  Most students are lack of confidence. They try to listen word by word and understand everything. They feel nervous and are afraid of appearing silly by getting the answer wrong. On the other hand, lacking necessary knowledge also inhibits effective listening. In bottom-up strategy, such knowledge includes vocabularies, phrases, and sentence structures etc;while in top-down strategy, if students are lack of the relative ‘prior knowledge’, they will fail to activate schematic knowledge .Without doubt they cannot achieve good listening. Students’ personal emotion also affects good listening. If students are interested in the listening material, they will concentrate on it;if the topic is boring, unfamiliar, students will reject it.   2. How do listening materials affect good listening?
  Nowadays a good deal of informal colloquial listening materials appears in our textbook, they present various real-life situations to students. They may contain repetitions, pauses, fillers, and incomplete sentences etc, which increase the difficulty of understanding.
  3. How do teachers affect good listening?
  We are familiar with such word:“Now, let’s listen to the text in Unit 19 and then answer the questions on page...”It will not be an effective listening comprehension activity because it is purposeless, especially with students looking at the script while listening to the tape. Repeat drills like these will bring boredom to students. Therefore, improper design of listening activities and choice of listening materials will lead to fail in listening comprehension.
  Ⅳ. Effective ways in teaching listening comprehension
  1. Help students to build confidence
  Many students are anxious about listening to a foreign language. This is partly because of difficulties presented by the text. Learners’ anxiety can be exacerbated by a classroom procedure which does not contextualize the text or prepare the topic by activating their prior knowledge;therefore, teacher should help students warm up before their listening.
  2. Careful selection and design of texts
  When teachers choose listening materials, what they needs to keep in mind is their students’ English level. The following questions may give teachers some clues.
  a. Are students interested in or familiar with this topic?
  b. What is the purpose for this listening material?
  c. What kind of problems students may come across during the listening process?
  d. How can I activate students’ schematic knowledge?
  Ⅴ. Conclusion
  Only by carefully choosing and designing listening materials according to students real English level can teacher teach learning comprehension effectively.
【摘要】幽默話语以其独特的特点,为我们的日常交际增添了鲜明的色彩。而基于多种原因,男性和女性面对同样的幽默话语,或者有同样的机会表达幽默时,会有不同的表现,其根源可追溯到社会、心理等多个层面。本文对幽默话语与性别问题的一些研究进行了综述,旨在浅析幽默话语及其话语功能中的性别差异。  【Abstract】Humorous discourse, with its unique features,is
Good morning. Ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor to be here with you on this sunny morning, but I still feel a little nervous.I don’t know what result I will achieve today. However I will try m
在很多高中生看来,英语看起来是他们又爱又恨的学科,英语可以成为他们成功路上的垫脚石,也可能成为阻碍前进的绊脚石。怎样帮助高中学生提高学习英语的兴趣,创设一个利于学习的语言环境,从而更有兴致地学习呢?经过实际的操作和实践,我认为可以充分利用英语课的前五分钟时间,让学生去品尝自制的“小点心”。  这里的品尝“点心”指的是英语课堂前五分钟学生的值日活动。在我的实际教学中,我要求班里的每一位学生都参与到值
【摘要】初中加强德育建设,可以让课堂成为学生心灵的净化剂,它可以帮助学生健康的成长,在初中阶段就树立正确的人生观和价值观。初中期间是学生认识世界,探索新事物的关键时期,必须让学生学会明辨是非善恶的能力,在生活中形成良好的行为习惯,树立正确的价值观,以后长大步入社会打好坚实的基础。本文主要从英语课堂的教学出发,围绕英语教学中核心素养的培养展开讨论,从本质上将英语教学真正转变为英语教育。  【关键词】
【摘要】随着教育理念的革新与优化,越来越多教育工作者意识到在教学中发展学生核心素养的重要性,旨在于通过增强他们的学科素养,使之形成终身学习的意识与适应社会发展的能力。因此,现代高中英语教育不应再局限于智力教学,而是要转换为以发展学生核心素养的综合教育,以此来从根本上提高他们的英语素养。  【关键词】核心素养;高中英语;课程研究  【作者简介】潘承生,邹平县魏桥中学。  新课改明确提出要在教育教学过
【摘要】在我国教学体系中,英语学科贯穿与学生学习的始终,具有举足轻重的地位。近年来,我国教育领域逐步深化改革,针对英语教学模式进行深入研究,并进行改革创新,以促进英语教学质量及学习效果的提升。本文将探讨基于网络环境下的大学英语TBL课堂教学。  【关键词】网络环境;大学英语;TBL课堂教学  【作者简介】赵冰,哈尔滨学院外国语学院。  【基金项目】哈尔滨学院,哈苑教学学术研究支持计划,项目编号:J
【摘要】隨着新课改的深入,“以生为本”,“以学定教”的教学理念也得到了全面的贯彻,而越来越多的初中英语教师也意识到“授人以渔”的重要性。学生英语学习思维的培养与发展,直接关系到学生英语学习效率。本文就如何利用初中英语阅读教学来培养、促进学生英语学习思维的发展进行系统阐述,以期为进一步提升初中英语“教”、“学”质量提供更多的参考。  【关键词】阅读;文本;初中英语;学习思维  【作者简介】王丽仙,福
【Abstract】As a kind of important input, teacher questions play a significant role in classroom teaching. This study used qualitative research approach to figure out the specific functions of display a