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1 案由1.1 污染损害事实1991年9月21日,某市连续发生两次区域大气污染事件,数万人受害.凌晨1点30分左右,工业街一带居民睡梦中被类似烧辣椒刺激气味的有毒气体呛醒,使人感到喉咙堵、胸闷、呼吸困难、全身乏力.居民们赶紧从床上爬起来,用湿毛巾捂住鼻孔匆匆跑往市郊躲避.清晨4点左右这一带空气才基本恢复正常.当日上午一些情绪激愤的受害群众认为污染源是位于工业街中部的某电镀厂,便围攻该厂领导,当地政府和公安机关派员赶到现场制止.为防止矛盾激化,当日下午6点有关部门通知电镀厂停产,车间随之封闭上锁.当日晚10点左右工业街一带又出现与凌晨相同的有毒气体烟雾与气味并逐渐加重,夜色朦胧中一些群众发现有毒气体从电镀厂方向飘然而至(该厂下 1 Case 1.1 Pollution Damage Facts On September 21, 1991, two consecutive regional air pollution incidents took place in a certain city and tens of thousands of people were injured. Around 1:30 in the morning, residents of Industrial Street, in their sleep, were poisoned by the smell of burning peppers Gas choking, people feel throat congestion, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, malaise. Residents quickly got up from the bed, with a wet towel and hurriedly ran to the outskirts of the nostrils to avoid the early morning around 4:00 with the air was basically back to normal. On the morning of the same day, some people who were emotionally angry believed that the source of pollution was a certain electroplating factory located in the middle of Industrial Street, and they besieged the leaders of the factory and sent to the scene by local governments and public security organs to stop them. Electroplating factory shutdown, the workshop will be closed and locked the same day around 10 pm Industrial Street appeared again with the same toxic gas smoke and smell the same morning and gradually aggravated, some people in the darkness of the night found toxic gas floating from the direction of the electroplating factory to ( The factory
教学目标【识记】水资源 :(广义 )地球上的所有水体形式 ;(狭义 )目前人类能够直接加以利用的淡水资源。水资源的存在形式 :海洋水、冰川水、地下水、河水、湖泊水、大气水、
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行政机关行政不作为败诉,却又实施种种报复行为,导致当事人领取一张结婚证竟如此艰难、苦涩…… Executives do not act as an administrative defeat, but the implementat
《南州六月荔枝丹》一文在介绍荔枝知识时,最突出的说明方法是引用说明,而且引用的使用十分巧妙。 《南州六月荔枝丹》中引文的内容遍及文章的标题、开头、正文和结尾。例如