Electrolytic reduction of Re(Ⅶ) using a flow type electrolysis cell and its possibility of radiophar

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hustguoguo
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The electrochemical properties of perrhenate were studied in hydrochloric acid solution via cyclic voltammetry by disk glassy carbon electrode. The electroreduction of perrhenate was performed at a constant potential-0.33 V(vs. Ag/AgCl) with a potentiostat by a flow type electrolysis cell. It was found that the change of rhenium ion concentration before and after electrolysis was negligible. This means almost no rhenium or rhenium oxides were deposited on the carbon fiber electrode during the electroreduction. The rhenium ion solution changed from colorless into yellow-brown after electrolysis process. UV-Visible spectrophotometry was used to characterize the oxidation states of Re before and after electrolysis. Some obvious peaks were detected after electrolysis, indicating that Re(Ⅶ) was reduced to Re(V). The complex behavior and stability of Re(V)-HEDP were discussed for the purpose of electroreduction of Re(Ⅶ) or Tc(Ⅶ) on radiopharmaceuticals production. The electrochemical properties of perrhenate were studied in hydrochloric acid solution via cyclic voltammetry by disk glassy carbon electrode. The electroreduction of perrhenate was performed at a constant potential of -0.33 V (vs. Ag / AgCl) with a potentiostat by a flow type electrolysis cell. It was found that the change of rhenium ion concentration before and after electrolysis was negligible. This means almost no rhenium or rhenium oxide was deposited on the carbon fiber electrode during the electroreduction. The rhenium ion solution changed from colorless to yellow-brown after electrolysis process . UV-Visible spectrophotometry was used to characterize the oxidation states of Re before and after electrolysis. Some obvious peaks were detected after electrolysis, indicating that Re (VII) was reduced to Re (V). The complex behavior and stability of Re (V ) -HEDP were discussed for the purpose of electroreduction of Re (VII) or Tc (VII) on radiopharmaceuticals production.
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如今在美国看处决犯人是普通事。在死亡走廊里,约有3000名囚犯等待末日来临。美国公众舆论再次要求恢复死刑,政客们也就亦步亦趋。 It is commonplace now to see prisoners