创先争优强素质 科学理财促发展——省财政厅创先争优工作侧记

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中央部署开展创先争优活动以来,在省委、省直创先争优活动领导小组的正确领导下,省财政厅紧紧围绕财政中心工作,以服务全省经济社会发展大局和推进财政事业又好又快发展为目标,扎实开展创先争优活动,有效提升了干部队伍素质,有力促进了科学理财和民生发展。统一思想,凝聚力量,在激发干事创业热情中创先争优省财政厅党组站在政治和全局的高度,深刻认识到深入开展创先争优活动,对全面提升财政干部特别是党员干部的执政理财能力,推进科学理财和财政事业健康发展,具有十分重要的促进作用,力求通过创先争优活动,为促进财政发展、深化财政改革凝聚力量,为推进“四化两型”、富民强省战略鼓 Since the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Government, the Provincial Department of Finance has been working closely around the financial center under the correct leadership of the Leading Group for Innovation and Excellence in the provincial Party committee and the provincial government to serve the overall economic and social development in the province and to promote the financial sector Sound and rapid development as the goal, and earnestly carried out activities aimed at creating superiority and excellence, which effectively improved the quality of cadres and effectively promoted the development of scientific management of wealth and people’s livelihood. Unite our thinking, unite our strength and create a preemption in motivating our employees to start their own business. The party committee of the Finance Department stands on top of both politics and the whole world. We have profoundly realized that we should carry out activities aimed at creating pre-eminence and strive for comprehensive promotion of the ruling party of financial cadres, especially party members and cadres Financial management ability and promote the healthy development of science and finance and financial affairs, has a very important role in promoting, strive to create better activities through competition, to promote the development of finance, deepen financial reform to unite strength, to promote the “four modernizations”, enriching the people Strong provincial strategy drum
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