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太阳给万物以生命,同样也给予摄影艺术以生命的光辉和魅力,有丰富摄影实践的人都象儿女摸透了母亲的脾气一样,摸透了太阳光线的各种变化规律,它有时柔和,有时暴烈,有时清新,有时浑厚,有时淡雅,有时浓郁,各种不同季节,不同时间,不同天气的光线变化,赋予摄影画面以丰富的表现力,但还不止此,太阳本身的丰富的表情,现在越来越被摄影者所重视,太阳直接出现在画面上的情况越来越普遍,成为摄影者用以传达内容、表达思想感情的重要角色,直接参加画面的表情。当太阳在远景、全景中出现时,主要是用来强调气氛,画面中,太阳的形象很小,只作为一个高光点与地面较为广阔的景物结合在一起,象镶嵌在戒指上的宝石一般,加强画面的气氛,比如拍黄山日出.地面群峰起伏,初升的太阳镶嵌在群峰之巅.给画面披上金色的彩霞;拍天安门日出,地面是开始苏醒的街道,天安门的轮廓清晰地衬在黎明的天空上,一轮红日喷簿而出,升起东方,格外壮丽。用远景全景拍太阳重要的在于组织地面景物的轮廓,要优美,要分明,太阳应作为画面的结构中心,置于主要的位置上,地面景物与它要有呼应奔趋之势,曝光应以太阳两边的天空为基 Sun also gives life to all things, also gives the photographic art the luster and charm of life. People who have rich experience in photography like children’s mothers’ temper touched the changing laws of the sun’s rays. Sometimes it is gentle, Sometimes violent, sometimes fresh, sometimes vigorous, sometimes elegant, sometimes rich, all kinds of different seasons, different times, different light changes in the weather, given the rich expressive power of photography, but still more than that, the sun’s own rich expression, Now more and more photographer attention, the sun appears directly on the screen is more and more common, as photographers to convey content, express the thoughts and feelings of the important role, directly to the screen expression. When the sun appears in the distant view and panoramic view, it is mainly used to emphasize the atmosphere. In the picture, the image of the sun is very small. It is only used as a highlight to combine with the broader scenery on the ground, like gems embedded in rings, Strengthen the atmosphere of the picture, such as the sunrise Huangshan. The ups and downs of the ground peaks, rising sun mosaic in the top of the peaks. To the screen covered with golden pink clouds; shoot Tiananmen Square sunrise, the ground is awake streets, Tiananmen Square clear outline Lining in the dawn of the sky, a red book out of the sun, rising east, especially magnificent. It is important to shoot the sun with a panoramic view of the scenery of the organization of the ground surface, to be beautiful, to be clear, the sun should be the center of the structure of the picture, placed in the main position, the ground with its echoed the trend of the scene should exposure The sky on both sides of the sun is the base
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引言在印度马德海的一些桉树虽然早在1865—1866年开始了小规模的人工林试验,但杂种桉(Eucalyptus hybrid)、细叶桉(E. tereticornis)和赤桉(E. camaldulensis)的大规模商品
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