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世纪之交。我国职业教育改革力度逐步加大,层次不断提高,已由初等、中等水平向高等职业技术水平发展。而且,近几年来,我国许多高等职业技术院校都对口招收了本科生。这种招生制度的建立与实施不仅可以促进高等职业教育的大力发展,而且对中等职业学校的教学改革与发展可以起到十分有益的检测、导向和推动作用,更有利于建立和完善我国职业教育体系。然而,由于我国“大学本科”对口招生实行的较晚,对口本科生专业没有规范合理的办学模式,现行的课程体系、教学内容、教学方法等很大程度上不适合对口招取的本科 Turn of the century. The reform of vocational education in our country has been gradually intensified and the levels have been continuously raised. The reform has advanced from the basic and intermediate level to the advanced vocational and technical level. Moreover, in recent years, many higher vocational and technical colleges in our country have all enrolled undergraduates. The establishment and implementation of this enrollment system can not only promote the vigorous development of higher vocational education, but also can play a very useful role in testing, guiding and promoting the reform and development of secondary vocational schools. It is also conducive to the establishment and improvement of vocational education in our country system. However, due to late implementation of “university undergraduate” counterparts in our country, there is no standard and reasonable mode of running a school for undergraduates majoring in undergraduate education. The current curriculum system, teaching contents, teaching methods and so on are largely unsuitable for undergraduate enrollment
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本文简述了几种超声心动图新技术在评价左室舒张功能异常 (left ventricular diastolic dysfunction,L VDD)方面的应用和前景。包括 :组织多普勒成像、彩色 M型多普勒超声、
2012年10月11日,莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖,诺贝尔奖委员会给他的颁奖词是“将魔幻现实主义与民间故事、历史与当代社会融合在一起”。莫言的获奖离不开葛浩文(Howard Glldblatt)