自从“坏孩子军团”在1989和1990年取得了NBA 两连冠后,底特律活塞就陷入了长达13年的低潮期。直到2003-04赛季,昔日的东部劲旅才重新捧起了阔别已久的总冠军奖杯。力挺底特律活塞东山再起的绝对功臣主要有两个:一是老帅布朗的如神用兵,二是内线双华莱士的珠联壁合。与教父级的布朗和篮板天王本·华莱士相比,拉·华莱士似乎只能充当一名无足轻重的配角,但如果没有这名朴实无华的大前锋在内线的倾力协助,活塞队绝不可能迅即完成从丑小鸭到白天鹅的蜕变。拉·华莱士原本是个叛逆乖张的球场愤青,他的身上打着 NBA 坏孩子的鲜明烙印。尽管自1996-97赛季效力波特兰开拓者队开始,华莱土就名正言顺地稳坐主力地位,但层出不穷的负面新闻让
The Detroit Pistons have plunged into a 13-year low since the Bad Boy Corps won two consecutive NBA titles in 1989 and 1990. Until the 2003-04 season, the former East Brigade re-won the long-awaited championship trophy. Even behind the Detroit Pistons, the absolute hero of the comeback there are two main points: First, Marshal Brown coach, the second is the double Wallace Zhujiang Wall. Compared with Godfather Brown and rebounding king Ben Wallace, La Wallace seems to play only a modest supporting role, but without the plain power forward without exception, the Pistons team It is impossible to quickly complete the transformation from the ugly duckling to the white swan. La Wallace was originally a rebellious perverse stadium cynics, his body impress NBA bad boy brand. Despite the fact that Wallace played a key role since the Portland Trail Blazers played in the 1996-97 season, but an endless stream of negative news