美国劳工部于1973年在美国劳工、政府和科学等部门遴选了15名代表组成专门委员会,在9个月的时间内制定了新的噪声容许标准,见附表: 这个委员会制定的噪声标准有以下几个明显特点:1.认清及规定职业性听力保护的资格;2.不允许工人接受超过附表限度的噪声;3.噪声如超过附表内指定的90分贝时,应加以可行的设计
In 1973, the U.S. Department of Labor selected 15 representatives from the U.S. Department of Labor, Government and Science to form a special committee to set a new noise tolerance standard within nine months. See the attached table: The noise standard set by this committee is The following are some notable features: 1. To recognize and stipulate the qualifications of occupational hearing protection; 2. To not allow workers to accept noise exceeding the limit of the schedule; 3. To make noise more than 90 dB as specified in the Schedule, design