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根据读者要求,今年本刊将分期介绍一年中四个季度的主要灾害性天气和农事活动。现将一季度(1~3月)主要灾害性天气和农事简介如下。 灾害性天气。阳历1~2月份,历来是我省的严寒季节,主要灾害性天气是冰冻,其次是寒潮。冰冻天气一般于先年12月上中旬开始,到次年2月中下旬结束,但以1月中下旬最为严重。 According to the reader’s request, this year we will introduce in phases the major disastrous weather and agricultural activities in four quarters of the year. The first quarter (January to March) main disastrous weather and agricultural briefings are as follows. Severe weather. Gregorian calendar January to February, has always been the province’s cold season, the main catastrophic weather is frozen, followed by the cold wave. Frozen weather generally begins in mid-December of the first year of December and ends in mid-to-late February of the following year, but it is most severe in mid-to-late January.
In prokaryotes, DNA supercoiling regulates the expression of many genes; for example, the expression of Klebsiella pneumoniae nifLA operon depends on DNA negati
Co-injection of wortmannin (inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase, PI3K) and GF109203X (inhibitor of protein kinase C, PKC) into the rat brain was found to
根据几年来的生产经验,总结出杂交早稻亩产超500公斤的技术关键,即改变与常规稻一样的栽培方式,实行稀播育壮秧,提高插秧密度和本数,适当控氮增磷钾,把好病虫防治关。 According to t
B-lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS) is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family and a key regulator of B cell response. Neutralizing single-chain fragment
脱水素最早发现于20世纪80年代,它是植物中的一类胚胎发育后期丰富蛋白(late embryogenesis abundant proteins, LEA蛋白),属于LEAD-Ⅱ家族,分子量从9到200KD不等。近年来关于脱水素的研究发展很快,特别是逆境下脱水素对植物的保护作用引起了人们广泛的关注。脱水素富含甘氨酸和赖氨酸,具有很高的亲水性,能与膜脂结合阻止水分过多流失,以保护细胞免受干旱损伤。另
Pig breeds have significant differences in fat deposition and muscle development ability.However, the molecular mechanism behind these differences is still unkn