开发信息资源 服务四化建设——纪念邓小平同志题词十周年

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1984年9月,邓小平同志为《经济参考报》题词“开发信息资源,服务四化建设”.这是小平同志对我国信息产业发展的重要指示.十年来我国信息服务业发展的事实,充分证明了这一重要题词的广泛深远的社会和经济影响.1994年8月23日,中国信息协会、经济参考报社、经济日报社、国家科委联合举办纪念座谈会.中国信息协会会长陈先、副会长高纯德,国家信息中心副主任乌家培,经济参考报社副总编姚光,经济日报社副总编宋静存以及来自中国经济信息报刊协会、国家经贸委信息中心、邮电部电信总局、国家计委、航空航天部701所、财政部、中国人民银行、国家统计局、电子部、内贸部等单位的领导和代表参加了会议.本刊记者应邀出席了纪念会.本文摘编了几位代表的发言,乌家培同志的题为“信息服务业是从事信息资源开发和利用的重要产业”的发言稿本刊将另外择期刊登. In September 1984, Comrade Deng Xiaoping made the inscription “Development of Information Resources and Construction of Four Modernizations” of “Economic Information Daily.” This is an important directive made by Comrade Xiaoping to the development of China’s information industry. The facts of the development of China’s information service industry over the past decade have fully proved On August 23, 1994, China Information Association, Economic Information Daily, Economic Daily, and State Science and Technology Commission jointly held a memorial symposium in which the president of China Information Association Chen Xian, Vice President Gao Junde, Deputy Director of National Information Center Wu Jiapei, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Economic Reference Newspaper Yao Guang, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Economic Daily Press Song Jingcun, as well as from China Economic Information Press Association, State Economic and Trade Commission Information Center, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, General Administration of Communications, Leaders and representatives from the Planning Commission, the Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Ministry of Finance, People’s Bank of China, National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Electronics, Ministry of Internal Trade and other units attended the meeting. Representative speech, Comrade Wu Jiapei entitled “Information service industry is to engage in information resources development and utilization of important industries,” the speech will be Outside elective published.
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例 1 男 ,5 6岁。胸闷、气促 6个月。胸部 X线片检查示双侧包裹性积液伴大片钙化灶 ,右侧更明显。入院后行右侧胸腔穿刺 ,抽出红褐色粘稠液体 10 0 0 ml,液体内可见反光晶体