有位做地方官的朋友,曾颇有感触地对我说:“做个好官跟做个好人一样,既要有所“不怕”,更要有所“怕”。“不怕”,才能直腰杆,秉公正;“怕”,才能尽责任,行正路。经他举一反三地解析后,我便发觉在这似乎有些矛盾的“为官定律”中,有着相辅相成的哲理!仔细想想,我们有的“公仆”之所以最终犯下了愧对党和人民的罪愆,就是因为他们没能正确处理“不怕”与“怕”的关系使然。 所谓“不怕”,就是“不怕”艰难困苦。“不怕”歪风邪气,“不怕”恶权凶势之高压,“不怕”奸佞小人之花招,永葆“任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼船”的大义大勇,始终保持刚直不阿,秉公明廉的凛凛正气。所
A friend who has done local government has said to me in a very touching way: “Being a good official is like being a good person, not only being” not afraid “but also being” afraid. “ I will find in this seemingly contradictory ”rule of law“, there is a complementary philosophy! Think about it, we think The reason why some ”public servants“ have finally committed the crime of guilty to the party and the people is because they failed to properly handle the relationship between ”fearlessness“ and ”fear.“ The so-called ”fearlessness“ is ”not afraid of“ hardship and suffering. ” Not afraid of “unhealthy tendencies,” not afraid “of the vicious high pressure,” not afraid of “villain tricks, forever” despite the storms, sit fishing boat "righteous courage, always upright, polite honest honest . the