In this paper, we use the data of China Social Survey (CGSS2008) to comprehensively analyze the impact of different levels of social networks ( “relationship ”) on wages. We classified the job search channels as the formal channels of marketing and the informal channels recommended by the acquaintances. We found that social networks have significant differences in the impact on wages on different institutional channels, partial information in formal channels, and partial in informal channels Human nature. Further research shows that social networks have a negative impact on informal job-seekers’ salaries, and the effect of strong linkages and weak linkages is not very different. Only with the help of higher-ranking managers can they raise their salaries. For formal channel job seekers, the role of weak links better than strong connection. The maintenance of daily networks is equally important to both groups of people, and the salary of informal job seekers can be explained by social network factors to a greater extent. The salary of formal channels is more determined by human capital.