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徐泾镇是青浦区的东大门,距虹桥国际机场仅6公里,“318”国道横贯全镇,有着得天独厚的地理和交通优势,是青浦区综合经济实力最强的镇.自98年以来,徐泾镇已步入了工业文化的行列,外向型经济占有重要比例,工业总产值、国内生产总值、税金三个主要经济指标占全区十分之一.随着现代化小集镇规划的逐步实施,以房地产业、商贸、娱乐、饮食服务业为显著特点的第三产业,增加值比重逐步扩大.经济的腾飞,农民收入的提高,拉近了徐泾与市区的距离.到99年底,已有1400多户农民住上了别墅式的新居.健康、教育投资成为徐泾人民消费的新热点.电脑、钢琴成为徐泾人民的新宠,自备轿车也已开始进入百姓家庭,徐径6家银行营业所,个人储蓄存款余额近5个亿,人均超过2万元. Xujing Town is the east gate of Qingpu District, only 6 kilometers away from Hongqiao International Airport. “318” national highway runs through the town and enjoys unique geographic and traffic advantages. It is the town with the most comprehensive economic strength in Qingpu District. Since 1998, Xujing Town has entered the ranks of industrial culture, export-oriented economy occupies an important proportion of the total industrial output value, gross domestic product, tax three major economic indicators account for one-tenth of the region with the modernization of small town planning gradually Implementation, to the real estate industry, commerce, entertainment, food service industry as the distinctive characteristics of the tertiary industry, the proportion of added value gradually expanded.Economic take-off, farmer income increase, narrowing the distance between Xujing and the urban area .To the end of 1999 , More than 1,400 peasants have been living in villa-style new homes.Health and education investment have become new hotspots in the consumption of Xujing.Computer and piano have become the new darling of the people in Xujing, and their own cars have begun to enter the people’s homes. Six banks, personal savings deposits nearly 5 million, more than 20,000 yuan per capita.
有人认为婴儿发热是威胁生命的严重感染,许多医生对这种发热进行全身性抗菌治疗,作者报导自1974年7月~1979年11月5 1/2年中在332.133例儿科门诊病人中检得年龄小于60天,肛温
在酷热的北京,环保和大气污染是公众热烈讨论的话题之一。而记者从有关部门得知,中国的环保产业将于 11月彻底向中外相关企业敞开大门。   由国家经贸委、科技部、国家环保总
Indium zinc oxide (IZO) thin films with different percentages of In content (In/[In+Zn]) are synthesized on glass substrates by magnetron sputtering, and the st