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在我国农电体制全面改革的今天,作为农电行业基层管电单位的供电所,必须深化行业管理,规范基础工作,把乡供电所管理推向新的阶段。 1 理顺体制 直接管理 将供电所纳入县电力局内部机构直接管理。实行局长负责制,由一名副局长重点抓,农电科具体抓,各供电所人员按片抓。所长由电力局任命和委派,人员由电力局聘任,将供电所人员纳入县局人员编制序列,建立乡所人员工资档案。农电科作为电力局主抓乡供电所工作的职能部门,负责供电所的建设和管理。局对农电科,农电科对供电所,层层签订责任书,下达工作计划、任务和指标,同时进行考核。 2 规范供电所建设 规范化供电所建设内容包括供电所的组织建设、电工管理、财务管理、农村电价管理、生产技术管理、经营管理、技术进步、优质服务等方 In today’s comprehensive reform of China’s agricultural power system, as the power supply unit of grass-roots power management units in the rural power industry, it is necessary to deepen industry management, standardize basic work, and push the management of township power supply facilities to a new stage. 1 Straighten out the system and direct management Integrate the power supply into the direct management of the internal agencies of the county power bureau. The implementation of the chief accountability system was focused on by a deputy director, who was specifically arrested by the Agricultural Power Division, and all power supply personnel were arrested. The director is appointed and appointed by the electric power bureau. The personnel are appointed by the electric power bureau, and the personnel of the power supply station are included in the staffing sequence of the county bureau, and the salary files of the township personnel are established. As the main function of the power supply bureau in rural areas, the Agricultural Power Bureau is responsible for the construction and management of power supply stations. Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Power, Agricultural Power Division to the power supply station, signed a letter of responsibility at each level, issued the work plan, tasks and indicators, and assessment. 2 Standardization of power supply construction The construction of standardized power supply includes the organization of power supply, electrician management, financial management, rural electricity price management, production technology management, operation and management, technological progress, and quality service.