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目的:分析生理学课程线上翻转课堂教学中学生的学习体验与学习偏好,以期为线上教学资源的提供和教学方式的设计提供参考。方法:本研究采用问卷调查方法。2020年3月至4月,选取中南大学湘雅医学院2018级五年制临床医学专业147名学生为研究对象,在生理学课程授课第一周和第五周分别对学生的线上学习体验和学习偏好进行调查,通过配对秩和检验、配对卡方检验等进行数据分析。结果:共有140名学生参加了2次调查。学生对线上翻转课堂的满意度评分分别为4(3,4)和4(4,4),喜爱度评分均为4(3,4),同一学生的2次调查结果显示,第二次调查的满意度和喜爱度评分比第一次调查的评分均有提高,其差异均具有统计学意义(n Z=-2.513,n P=0.012;n Z=-2.704,n P=0.007)。2次调查中分别有56.4%(79/140)和50.0%(70/140)的学生偏好15分钟短视频,43.6%(61/140)和50.0%(70/140)的学生偏好45分钟长视频,同一学生在2次调查中对不同时长录播课程视频偏好变化的差异无统计学意义(n χ2=1.641,n P=0.200);55.7%(78/140)和60.0%(84/140)的学生偏好直播课程,44.3%(62/140)和40.0%(56/140)的学生偏好录播课程,同一学生在2次调查中对不同授课形式偏好变化的差异无统计学意义(n χ2=0.500,n P=0.480)。n 结论:学生对生理学课程线上翻转课堂的学习体验良好,对不同时长的录播课程视频、录播课程与直播课程有着不同的学习偏好,线上教学资源的提供和教学方式设计应当兼顾不同学生群体的需求。“,”Objective:To analyze the students' learning experience and preference in the online flipped classroom teaching of physiology to provide reference for the supply of online teaching resources and the design of teaching methods.Methods:From March to April 2020, totally 147 undergraduates of five-year curriculum of clinical medicine in Xiangya School of Medicine were selected as the research objects. Two questionnaire surveys about students' learning experience and preference were conducted in the first and fifth week of physiology course. The data were analyzed by paired rank sum test and paired chi-square test.Results:In the two surveys, students' satisfaction scores with the online flipped classroom teaching mode was 4(3, 4) and 4(4, 4) , and likability scores were 4 (3, 4), the same student's satisfaction and liking degree in the second survey were higher than those in the first survey, and the differences were statistically significant (n Z=-2.513, n P=0.012; n Z=-2.704, n P=0.007). 56.4%(79/140) and 50.0%(70/140) of the students preferred 15min mini-video, while 43.6%(61/140) and 50.0%(70/140) students preferred 45min complete video, and there was no significant difference in the video preference of the same student in the two surveys(n χ2=1.641, n P=0.200). It was also found that 55.7%(78/140) and 60.0%(84/140) of students preferred live lectures, while 44.3%(62/140) and 40.0%(56/140) students preferred recorded lectures in the two surveys. There was no significant difference between the two surveys on the same student's preference for different teaching forms(n χ2=0.500, n P=0.480).n Conclusions:The students have a good learning experience of the online flipped classroom teaching model of physiology course, and have different learning preferences for different length of video, video and live-broadcast courses, this result suggests that the provision of online teaching resources and the design of teaching methods should meet the needs of different groups of students.
  We demonstrate that dimethyl phthalate (DMP) could be rapidly decomposed by microwave irradiation (MW) over Fe@Fe2O3/activated carbon (Fe@Fe2O3/AC) catalyst
【摘 要】保证建筑安全是提高建筑工程质量的前提条件,建筑工程质量和建筑施工安全,决定着建筑业的经济效益和社会效益。随着近年基坑工程的坍塌事故屡有发生,而且常常是多人伤亡的重大安全事故,因此本文对建筑安全与质量管理存在的问题进行了分析,并对建筑基础工程安全施工技术中桩基施工与沉井和地下连续墙安全施工进行了几点总结。  【关键词】建筑工程;质量;基础安全  1.建筑安全及质量  建筑安全和质量管理都受