Microstructure, Compression Property and Shape Memory Effect of Equiatomic TaRu High Temperature Sha

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heatsnow
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The microstructure, phase transformation, compression property and strain recovery characteristics of equiatomic TaRu super high temperature shape memory alloy have been studied by optical microscope, XRD, DTA, compression tests and TEM observations. When cooling the alloy specimen from high temperature to the room temperature, β(parent phase)→β’(interphase) β→" (martensite) two-step phase transformations occur. The microstructure at room temperature show regularly arranged band morphology, with the monoclinic crystal structure. The twinning relationship between the martensite bands is determined to be (101) of Type I. Reorientation and coalescence of the martensite bands inside the variant happened during compression at room temperature. The β’→β reversible transformation contributes mainly the shape memory effect, with the maximum completely recovery strain of 2%. The microstructure, phase transformation, compression property and strain recovery characteristics of equiatomic TaRu super high temperature shape memory alloy have been studied by optical microscope, XRD, DTA, compression tests and TEM observations. When cooling the alloy specimen from high temperature to the room temperature The microstructure at room temperature show regularly arranged transformation morphology occurs with the monoclinic crystal structure. The twinning relationship between the martensite bands is determined to be (101) of Type I. Reorientation and coalescence of the martensite bands inside the variant happened during compression at room temperature. The β ’→ β reversible transformation contributes mainly the shape memory effect, with the maximum completely recovery strain of 2 %.
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