因树定产 看副梢稀果

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稀去过多的幼果,调整树体负担量,是苹果生产上克服大小年、保证连年丰产的一项技术措施。近年来。我们一直采用“因树定产,看副梢稀果”的办法。这种办法操作简单,便于掌握,适合赶季节、抢农时、突击作业。从果台副梢预测果实的产量和质量我们在长期生产实践中认识到:苹果树当年果台副梢抽生的多少和长短。与树势以及结果枝的强度有密切关系。也直接影响到树体营养物质的制造、运 Too much diluted young fruit, adjust the burden on the tree, Apple’s production to overcome the size of year, to ensure a year-round bumper crop of a technical measure. In recent years. We have always adopted the “due to tree production, see Vice shoot thin fruit” approach. This approach is simple, easy to grasp, suitable for the rush season, grab farming, assault homework. Predict the yield and quality of fruit from the fruit of a pair of shoots We recognize in the long-term production practice: how many and how long the apple tree next shoot pumping students. And the strength of the tree and the results of the branches are closely related. Also directly affect the manufacture of tree nutrients, transport
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问题:你是喜欢体育还是做生意? 李宁回答:两样都喜欢,小时候喜欢体操,大了喜欢做生意。问题:你将对网络做出怎么样的贡献呢? 李宁回答:我将努力为中国体育产业做一个服务平