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长期以来,由于部分学校片面追求升学率,把政治科看作是中考、高考得分的工具,忽视了思想政治课在育人中的作用.因此,思想政治课的改革势在必行.那么,怎样对中学思想政治课进行改革呢?笔者认为,思想政治课教学必须由“应试教育”向“素质教育”转轨,其中重要的一环是必须改变考试的观念和做法.思想政治课与其他课相比,它的重要功能在于教育学生做什么样的人,怎样做人.考试,在思想政治课素质教育中是不可缺少的重要的一环,它是教学领导里的一种客观存在,是对学生身心发展状况尤其是文化知识状况的评价.中学思想政治课的教育目标就是传授马克思主义基础知识,训练运用马克思主义的立场观点和方法分析、解决问题的能力,形成辩证唯物主义世界观和科学人生观,培育“四有”新人.具体说,就是“传授知识、培养能力、提高觉悟”三方面.根据素质教育的要求,中学思想政治课的考试必须做到“全体化”、“全面化”、“主动化”.为此,必须做到以下几方面: For a long time, due to the one-sided pursuit of the entrance rate of some schools, the Politics Section is regarded as a tool for scoring the entrance exams and college entrance exams, ignoring the role of the ideological and political courses in educating the students. Therefore, the reform of the ideological and political courses is imperative. How to reform middle school ideological and political courses? In my opinion, the ideological and political teaching must be “test-oriented education” to “quality education” transition, an important part is the need to change the examination concepts and practices. Its important function is to teach students what kind of person to do and how to take the test.It is an indispensable and important part in the quality education of ideological and political education.It is an objective existence in the teaching leadership and is a The development of students physical and mental status, especially the evaluation of the status of cultural knowledge.Secondary school ideological and political education goal is to teach basic knowledge of Marxism, training and application of Marxist positionpoints and methods to analyze and solve the problem of ability to form a dialectical materialist worldview and the scientific life Concept, nurturing “four have” new people, specifically, is to “impart knowledge, develop ability, improve consciousness” in three areas according to Requirements of quality education, high school ideological and political course of the examination must be “all” and “comprehensive” and “active” of this, you must do the following aspects:
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