Laws Concern Domestic Issues of the PRC

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Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China with a view to ensuring self-government by the villagers in the countryside, who will administer their own affairs in accordance with the law, and promoting socialist democracy at the grassroots level, socialist material Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China with a view to ensuring self-government by the villagers in the countryside, who will administer their own affairs in accordance with the law, and promoting socialist democracy at the grassroots level, socialist material
准确预测土壤有机碳的空间分布,对于土壤资源开发和保护、应对气候变化和生态系统健康都具有重要意义.本文以塔里木盆地北缘盐土1300 m×1700 m样地为试验区,采集5~10 cm深度
逻辑是孩子一生创造力和语言表达能力的核心和基础。如果你想让孩子善于思考、擅长表达,做一个聪明人,欢迎来到逻辑世界。 Logic is the core and foundation of children’
在厌氧条件下,以亚硝酸盐作为电子受体将甲烷氧化的反硝化厌氧甲烷氧化反应(nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane-oxidizing,n-damo)的发现,彻底颠覆了人们对甲烷循环的传统
肝硬化病人可出现种种神经系统表现或并发症,表现十分复杂,包括了意识、认知、运动、反射等多方面的异常。多数是代谢性毒素对神经系统损害的结果, Patients with cirrhosi
前交通动脉瘤直接手术效果最好,处置该瘤的手术入路较多。近来我们采用横切口、环钻开颅,经半球间入路处置前交通动脉瘤,损伤小,显露满意,现报告如下。 例1 男,51岁。突发头
本文作者采用苯妥英钠治疗老年顽固性呃逆病人 ,取得了较好的效果 ,现报道如下。1 临床资料 本组病人 30例 ,男 19例 ,女 11例 ,年龄 6 0~ 75岁 ,平均 6 7.5 0岁。其中胸膜
例1 钟某,男,5岁。因双眼睑下垂50天,左眼球活动障碍20天入院。既往健康,有重症肌无力家族史。入院体查:一般情况好,心肺正常,腹部无特殊。神经系统检查:神智清醒,双眼睑下