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【正】 一、同一涵意应用同一数码表示给类目配号时,赋予某些数码一定的涵意,这样设置出的类号,体制一致,且有规则可循,便于掌握、记忆。如类目依世界地区复分,数码“1”表示
We analyzed the magnitude of land use land cover changes and identified drivers of those changes at Awash National Park, Ethiopia, using aerial photographs, sat
The date clam, Lithophaga lithophaga is a popular edible bivalve. It was collected from three different locations (Abo-Quir, Miami and El-Mex) along the coast o
In Brazil winemaking is expanding not only in the renewal of vineyards in traditional production areas, but also in the introduction of new crops in the newer w
One of the important functions of the wetland is the retention of catchment nutrients and improving lacustrine water quality. This study analyzed how much nutri
Grassland bird populations have declined more than any other group of bird species in North America. Some species such as the grasshopper (Ammodramus savannarum
Local knowledge of the history and ecology of wetland ecosystems is very useful in wetland resources management, especially when other historical ecological inf