Rapid solution for analysis of nonlinear fluid film force and dynamic behavior of a tilting-pad jour

来源 :摩擦(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xlweb
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To analyze the nonlinear dynamics of a tilting-pad joal bearing (TPJB)-rotor system with high accuracy and speed, the database method (DM) is modified to rapidly determine the nonlinear fluid film force (NFFF) of a TPJB while considering turbulent and thermal effects. A high-accuracy, large-capacity NFFF database for a single pad is constructed by numerically solving the turbulent adiabatic hydrodynamic model for five equivalent state variables of the joal, which are discretized in the pad coordinates. The remaining variables are not discretized in the DM. A combined linear and parabolic interpolation polynomial based on the database is established to accurately calculate the NFFF of the tilting pads; thus, the NFFF of a four-pad TPJB is obtained in the bearing coordinates. The DM is applied to analyze and compare the nonlinear dynamic behavior of a water-lubricated TPJB-Jeffcott rotor system with and without turbulent and thermal effects. The present DM solution without these effects and the previous DM solution are shown to be consistent. The results demonstrate the importance of the flow regime and the negligibility of temperature increases in the nonlinear dynamics of a water-lubricated TPJB. This work contributes to the accurate and efficient analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of high-speed TPJBs and low-viscosity-fluid-lubricated TPJBs.
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现代化的社会进程,人们似乎已进入了一个“盒子”的时代:我们每天住在方方正正的屋子里,坐着长方形的公交车、地铁,进入方正的办公室……  在与自然的争斗中,人定胜天的学说注定失败,无数次的自然洗礼让人们明白自然力的伟大;为了生存,人们早已麻木在机械的工作中;佛龛前人们在那里焚香叩拜,真诚的祈祷被利益熏心取代;古色古香的院子,被一座座拔地而起的高楼大厦取代;公交车上被别人碰一下,就必须要用斜眼或者粗粝的