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《久分必合——迈向21世纪的大陆与港澳台关系》一书,是张忆1987~1994年的论文选编,共收入论文26篇.共约25万字.香港浸会大学黄枝连教授为该书写了题为《在凤凰起飞的地方》的“代序”,文中把所选论文分为5组:(1)台湾经济与闽台合作6篇;(2)香港经济4 “Long minutes will be combined - Towards the 21st century, the mainland and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan relations” is a book from 1987 to 1994, selected essays, a total of 26 papers. A total of about 250,000 words. Hong Kong Baptist University Professor Huang Zhilian The book is entitled “Preface to Phoenix Take-off Place,” in which the selected essay is divided into five groups: (1) Taiwan economy and cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan 6; (2) Hong Kong economy 4
An area-saving and high power efficiency charge pump is proposed,and methods for optimizing the operation frequency and improving the power efficiency are discu
Gyro’s drift is not only the main drift error which influences gyro’s precision but also the primary factor that affects gyro’s reliability.Reducing zero dri
A novel broadband directional coupler based on an asymmetric dual-core photonic crystal fiber (PCF) isproposed.The asymmetry in the fiber is introduced by the
创建首都绿化美化花园式社区是落实科学发展观、建设生态文明的必然要求,是提高人居环境质量和市民环境意识的有效途径,是从人民群众最关心、 To create a greenery-style g
综述了全光半加器的研究进展和现状。阐述了不同结构全光半加器的工作原理、优缺点,并展望了全光半加器未来的发展方向。 The research progress and current situation of
苏联国家标准委员会1986年8月11日的N~02370决议规定有效期为:1988年1月1日到1993年1月1日。 违反标准依法追究 本标准适用于制造船舶及漂浮结构的碳钢和低合金钢的厚板、薄
本文运用健康体适能指标,从休闲体育锻炼对高校大学生身体健康状况的影响入手,为大学生参加休闲体育锻炼予以科学评价和指导。 In this paper, the use of physical fitness