
来源 :明日风尚 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cucumber
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从当代工笔花鸟画的发展来看,工笔花鸟画的色彩是其独具特点的重要优势。当代工笔花鸟画不但实现了传统工笔花鸟画的有效传承,同时也积极结合现代绘画技巧和色彩运用实例,实现了工笔花鸟画在当代的发展,拓宽了工笔花鸟画的发展道路。因此,认真研究当代工笔花鸟画色彩的发展现状及艺术特点,对掌握当代工笔花鸟画特色及推动工笔花鸟画快速发展具有重要作用。为此,我们应着重研究当代工笔花鸟画对色彩艺术的展现,为当代工笔花鸟画创作提供色彩研究经验。 From the perspective of the development of contemporary high-quality flowers and birds, the color of the flowers and birds of art is an important advantage of its unique features. The contemporary pen and flower painting not only realizes the traditional inheritance of fine calligraphy and painting, but also actively combines modern painting techniques and examples of colors to realize the contemporary development of meticulous flower and bird painting and widen the development path of meticulous flower and bird painting. Therefore, a careful study of the present situation and the artistic characteristics of the contemporary colorized flower-and-bird paintings plays an important role in grasping the characteristics of today’s fine color flower and bird paintings and promoting the rapid development of the finest flower and bird paintings. To this end, we should focus on contemporary art of painting and calligraphy on the color of the art show, for the creation of contemporary art of painting and calligraphy to provide color research experience.
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目的 探讨头颈部恶性多形性腺瘤(malignant pleomorphic adenoma,MPA)的临床病理特点.方法 收集、分析2005年1月-2012年12月无锡市第二人民医院收治的13例头颈部MPA的临床表
Aaptos aaptos海绵属于寻常海绵纲(Demospongiae)、韧海绵目(Hadromerida)、皮海绵科(Suberitida)动物。国内外已经有许多课题组对该种海绵进行了一系列的研究报道,从中分离得到的主要特征成分为1H-benzo[de][1,6]-naphthyridine为骨架的aaptamine类生物碱化合物,该类生物碱化合物主要具有抗氧化、酶抑制、抗病毒、抗菌、抗肿瘤、抗
这张图里的男人留着络腮胡,满脸微笑,是个态度友善的人。但等你把图片颠倒过来看,会发现男人的气质完全变了。 The man in this picture has a beard, a smiling face, and
磁共振成像(Magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)是临床上肿瘤早期诊断最常用且有效的无侵入性影像诊断手段,常常需要借助造影剂来提高诊断能力。目前,应用于临床的造影剂均为分子量在600~800的小分子Gd的配合物。大分子的磁共振造影剂因其高弛豫效率、体内驻留时间长、器官选择性生好以及毒副作用小等优点而逐渐倍受关注。其中含稀土元素的大分子造影剂的研究备受关注,尤其是钆类造影剂。