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   (1)社会交往(social communication)类:问候、告别、介绍、感谢、道歉、邀请、请求、许可、祝愿、祝贺、提供帮助、打电话、就餐、就医、购物、问路、谈论天气、提醒注意、劝告、建议等。(2)态度(attitudes)类:(不)同意、喜欢、嗜好、(不)肯定、(不)可能、意图、打算、责备、抱怨等。(3)情感(emotions):高兴、惊奇、忧虑、安慰、(不)满意、遗憾、同情、恐惧、愤怒等。如:
   例1. —Do you know Anna’s telephone number?
   —_____. As a matter of fact, I don’t know any Anna,either.(2008全国II)
   A. I think so B. I’m afraid not
   C. I hope so D. I’d rather not
   【分析】 B。此题考查了表示不知道的礼貌回答。
   例2. —I can’t repair these until tomorrow, I’m afraid.
   —That’s OK; there’s_____ .(2008江苏)
   A. no problem B. no wonder
   C. no doubt D. no hurry
   【分析】 D。此题考查了安慰和鼓励。
   例3. —Good evening. Huangshan Hotel.
   —Good evening._____ ? (2008安徽)
   A. Do you still have a room for tonight
   B. What would you like,please
   C. Is there anything I can do for you
   D. Who is that speaking,please
   【分析】 A。此题考查了预订房间情景下旅客与服务员的对话。
   例4. —The floor is dirty. Can anyone clean it?
   —_____ I do it all the time.(2008陕西)
   A. Don’t mention it. B. Why you?
   C. Not sure. D. Not me again.
   【分析】 D。此题考查了不满情绪的表达。
   例1. —It is getting late. I am afraid I must be going now.
   —OK._____ .
   A. Take it easy B. Go slowly
   C. Stay longer D. See you
   【分析】 D。按照汉语习惯,可能会选择B或C,而这里应该表示“再见”(see you)。
   例2. —Hi, haven’t seen you for ages! You look fine.
   —_____. You look well, too.
   A. Great B. Thanks
   C. Oh, not so D. Not at all
   【分析】 B。按照英语习惯,在别人赞美自己或与自己有关的人或事时,就应该表示感谢,但我们中国人可能会表示谦虚或称赞对方。所以干扰选项是C。
   例3. —Hello!May I speak to Bill, please?
   A. Bill speaking
   B. I’m Bill
   C. You are speaking to Bill
   D. I’m speaking
   2) 字面意思与实际交际功能不一样的表达
   例1. —Do you mind if I record your lecture?____________________
   —_____. Go ahead.(2008江苏)
   A. Never mind
   B. No way
   C. Not at all
   D. No. You’d better not
   【分析】 C。考生常常从表层意思上理解never mind为“不介意”,所以很容易选择A。实际上never mind的实际交际功能表示“没关系;不要紧;不用费事”,它主要用于:①对sorry的回答;②安慰和鼓励;③委婉拒绝对方提供帮助。如:
   ① —Sorry, I made a mistake again._________________________ —_____. Practice more and you’ll succeed.(2008全国I )
   A. Never mind B. Certainly not
   C. Not at all D. Don’t mention it
   ② —Oh, dear! I’ve just broken a window.____________________
   —_____. It can’t be helped.(2005全国Ⅰ)
   A. Never mind B. All right
   C. That’s fine D. Not at all
   例2. —How much do I owe you for lunch?____________________
   —_____. It’s nothing.(2008天津)
   A. You’re welcome B. Forget it
   C. With pleasure D. That’s right
   【分析】 B。考生常常从表层意思上理解为Forget it为“忘记某事”,所以不可能选B,但Forget it的实际交际功能应该是“没关系,不要紧,别提了,忘了吧”。它主要用于:①对sorry的回答;②同意对方要求之事的一种婉转拒绝的说法或拒绝对方你认为不合理的请求和建议。如:
   ① —I’m terribly sorry I broke your glass._______________
   —_____. (2005安徽)
   A. That’s right B. Bad luck
   C. Sorry D. You can forget it
   ② —I’d like to take a week’s holiday.____________________ —_____. We’re too busy. (2004全国Ⅲ)
   A. Don’t worry B. Don’t mention it
   C. Forget it D. Pardon me
   例3. —I’m dead tired. I can not walk any farther, Jenny.
   —_____, Tommy. You can do it.(2006江西)
   A. No problem B. No hurry
   C. Come on D. That’s OK
   【分析】 C。考生常常从表层意思上理解come on为“过来”,但come on的实际交际功能应该是“加油,得了”。它主要用于:①安慰鼓励,表示“加油”;②引起注意;③表示不耐烦。例如:
   ① —Now, where is my purse?
   —_____! We will be late for the picnic. (2004湖南)
   A. Take your time B. Don’t worry
   C. Come on D. Take it easy
   ② —It will take at least 2 hours to do this!
   —Ok,_____ ! I could do it in 30 minutes.
   A. come on B. pardon me
   C. you are right D. don’t mention it
   例4. —How did you find your visit to Qingdao, Joanna?
   —_____. (2006山东)
   A. Oh, wonderful indeed
   B. I went there alone
   C. First by train and then by ship
   D. A guide showed me the way
   【分析】 A。考生常常从表层意思上理解“How do you like / find ...?”为“你是怎样做某事或喜欢某事”,所以很可能错选C,但它实际上表示“对某人 / 某事的评价”,相当于“What do you think of ...?”。
   例5. —Excuse me, do you have the time?
   A. Yes, I do B. Of course, I have
   C. A quarter to 10 D. No problem
   【分析】 C。若仅停留在问句的字面意思则很可能选择A或B,实际上这是在问对方时间。
   答后之悟:考生在学习交际用语时往往受字面意思影响而错选答案。因此在平时一定要归纳受字面意思影响而实际交际功能并非如此的短语,例如:go ahead, You are welcome, see you, Don’t mention it, take your time, make it, take it easy, take it seriously等。
   例1. —Thank you for joining in our conversation tonight.
   A. It’s my duty
   B. It’s all right
   C. It is nice to say so
   D. It’s my pleasure
   例2. —Could you do me a favor and take these books to my office?
   —Yes,_____ . (2005山东)
   A. for pleasure B. I could
   C. my pleasure D. with pleasure
   【分析】 1-2 DD。It’s a pleasure to do ...是客套语,意为“很高兴做……”,相当于sb. be pleased / nice / glad to do ... / It’s a pleasure = A pleasure / My pleasure,表示“不用谢;没关系,这是我乐意做的”,是对thank you的回答。With pleasure = Yes / Certainly,意为“当然可以,愿意效劳”, 类似于All right, Ok,No problem, I’d like to等,主要用于别人求你去做某事时,你表示乐意去做的场合。
   例3. —James, I’m sorry I used your computer when you were away this morning.
   A. That’s all right
   B. It’s a pleasure
   C. You are welcome
   D. Don’t mention it
   例4. —Shall I help you with that suitcase?
   —_____. (2000上海)
   A. It’s all right, thanks
   B. No, please don’t do it
   C. Yes, go ahead please
   D. I don’t want to trouble you too much
   例5. —Are you like your parents?
   A. That’s right
   B. Yes, I like my parents
   C. They like me
   D. I’m not afraid so
   【分析】 3-5 AAA。That’s all right.“不用谢,没关系”是对感谢或歉意的礼貌回答。That’s right.意为“对了,正确”,表示对对方的意见、看法或行为肯定的答复,等于right / true / correct, 其相反说法为 That’s wrong.。All right = OK意为“行,可以”,用于对对方的建议或请求表示同意。
   例6. Tom: Mike, our team will play against the Rocket this weekend. I’m sure we will win.
   Mike:_____ ! (2005广东)
   A. Congratulations B. Cheers
   C. Best Wishes D. Good luck
   例7. —I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s.
   —_____.(NMET 1999)
   A. Oh, that’s very nice of you
   B. Congratulations_______________
   C. It’s a pleasure
   D. Oh, I’m glad to hear that
   例8. —Have a nice weekend!
   —_____. (NMET 1992)
   A. The same to you
   B. You do too
   C. You have it too
   D. The same as you
   【分析】6-8 DDA。当一个人叙述一件对自己或别人高兴的事,另一个人应答语常用I’m glad to hear that.。相反用I’m sorry to hear that.。当对方“祝你……”,答语常用The same to you.或 You, too.。但对Happy birthday to you的答常用Thank you。当对方将要参加某项活动,如考试、比赛时,向对方表示预祝对方Good luck。当对方在某方面取得成就或成功用Congratulations。
   答后之悟:要弄清楚字面意义相近但实际交际功能却截然不同的表达。除上面列举的例子外,还应注意如下表达:Let me see(让我想想)和Let me have a look; Never mind和No problem;How do you do和How are you;The same to you, Same as you和It is the same with ...;Go ahead和Help yourself to ...;Here you are, Here we are和Here it is等。
   例1. —Say, Jane, will you come with me to the game Friday?__________
   —_____, Bob, but I promised Mary I’d go with her.(2008山东)
   A. My pleasure B. Thanks
   C. Take it easy D. Forget it
   例2. —Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the British Museum?
   —Sorry, I’m a stranger here.
   A. Thanks, anyway B. It doesn’t matter
   C. Never mind D. No problem
   【分析】 A。即使对方没有能帮你忙,仍然表示“谢谢”。
   例3. —Would you like to come to dinner tonight?
   —I’d like to,_____I’m so busy.
   A. and B. so C. as D. but
   【分析】 D。用but话锋一转,引出不能去的理由,语气更加委婉、得体。
   例4. —Lovely day, isn’t it?
   A. You are right. B. Isn’t it?
   C. Sure. D. I think so.
   【分析】 B。谈论天气以加强语气,往往用反意疑问句,没有必要按照语法规则去选择答案。
   例1. —Would you like to join me for a quick lunch before class?
   —_____, but I promised Nancy to go out with her.(2008全国I)
   A. I’d like to B. I like it
   C. I don’t D. I will
   【分析】 A。表示乐意做什么,常省略to do后面的do,只保留不定式符号。
   例2. —It’s a long time since I saw my sister.
   —_____ her this weekend?(2007全国I)
   A. Why not visit
   B. Why not to visit
   C. Why not visiting
   D. Why don’t visit
   【分析】 A。提建议时,常用省略形式why not do ...。
   例3. —I was wondering if we could go skiing on the weekend.
   —_____ good.(2006湖北)
   A. Sound B. Sounded
   C. Sounding D. Sounds
   【分析】 D。此题省略了主语that,所以就用谓语单数形式来表达。
   例4. —Andrew won’t like it, you know.
   —_____? I don’t care what Andrew thinks!(2006广东)
   A. So how B. So what
   C. So where D. So why
   【分析】 B。so what是省略答语,表示“即便那样,哪又怎样?”
   答后之悟:既然是交际,就会出现许多省略形式,因此由省略形式而出现的许多语法问题,也应该注意,同时有些省略形式已经约定俗成,如so what, how come, why not do, why do, what for等等,一定要掌握他们的用法。
利用正弦规测量锥体,通常是以带圆棱工作边的前档板或量棒等附件来支承被测件端面,使其轴心线与过正弦规的中心距 L 并垂直于检验平台的平面(以下简称 L 方向,亦即垂直于正
本文从减少大气折光,大气抖动的影响出发,並考虑到使望远镜与感光材料的线分辨率相匹配,探索了对现有设备的改进方案。实践证明该改造方案是行之有效的。 In this paper, re