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以保证现有湖泊生态系统的稳定为核心,在满足维持一个足够数量及年龄结构的基础上,以最佳持续产量为追求目标。这是中国科学院水生生物研究所鱼类学家提出的高原湖泊渔业经济可持续发展模式的主要内容。在素有“世界屋脊”之称的青藏高原上,各类湖泊的总面积达39615平方公里,约占全国湖泊总面积的50%,是地球上海拔最高、数量最多、面积最大的高原内陆湖泊群。色林错(“错”是藏语中“湖”的意思)位于藏北羌塘高原的东南部,面积1640平方公里,海拔4530米,是位居青海湖、纳木错之后的青藏高原第三大湖泊。色林错裸鲤是该湖泊中唯一的一种鱼类,自1989年开始进行捕捞利用以来,其产量在2000年已占整个西藏自治区渔产量的60%。近年来,水生生物研究所研究员陈毅峰博士等对高原环境的变迁与鱼类演化的关系等进行了深入的研究,并于1997年和1998年在人迹罕见的色林错湖畔安营扎寨长达半年之久,对色林错裸鲤的资源生物学进行了全面的研究,进而提出了高原湖泊渔业经济可持续发展模式。陈毅峰博士指出,青藏高原湖泊普遍存在着水温低、冰冻时间长、营养物质贫乏、盐碱化程度高以及溶解氧低等情况。在这种恶劣的环境条件下,鱼类首先面临的是如何生存繁衍的问题。尽管其生态系统稳定性的形成经过了漫长的历史过程,但是由于组成生态 To ensure the stability of the existing lake ecosystem as the core, we will pursue the goal of maximizing sustainable production while meeting the requirement of maintaining a sufficient number and age structure. This is the main content of the sustainable development model of plateau lakes fishery proposed by fish scientists of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. On the Tibetan Plateau known as “Roof of the World,” the total area of ​​various types of lakes is 39,615 square kilometers, accounting for about 50% of the total lake area in the country. It is the highest, highest and largest plateau on the earth Inland lake group. The color forest fault ( “wrong ” is Tibetan “lake ”) is located in the southeastern Tibet Qiangtang Plateau, an area of ​​1640 square kilometers, 4530 meters above sea level, is located in Qinghai Lake, after the Nam Co of Qinghai The third largest lake in the plateau. The only species in the lake is the Solenopsis carinosae, which has accounted for 60% of the total catch of the Tibet Autonomous Region since 2000 when it was used for fishing. In recent years, Dr. Chen Yifeng, a researcher at the Institute of Hydrobiology, conducted an in-depth study on the relationship between the changes in the plateau environment and fish evolution. In 1997 and 1998, they set up camps on the scariest Serelin Lake for as long as six months For a long time, conducted a comprehensive study of the resource biology of the Solenopsis carinosae, and then put forward the sustainable development mode of the fishery economy of plateau lakes. Dr. Chen Yifeng pointed out that the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau lakes generally have low water temperature, long freezing time, lack of nutrients, high salinization and low dissolved oxygen. Under such harsh environmental conditions, the first problem fish face is how to survive and multiply. Although the formation of its ecosystem stability after a long historical process, but due to the formation of ecological
目前,全球现存的7种海龟中,有6种均处于濒临灭绝的境地。我国的情况也不容乐观,整个南海的成年绿海龟剩下不到2000只......请伸出您的友爱之手,共同加入拯救海龟的行列吧! C
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一、这妇人1985年发表的中篇小说《黑氏》第四节写木犊到山外铜官煤矿做工,学校的校工来顺三番五次来撩少妇黑氏,她风情万种终难自制的情形: First, this woman published i
菲律宾蛤仔健康养殖技术是中国科学院知识创新课题“北方海区重要养殖生物遗传改良和健康苗种培育”的重要内容。由中国科学院海洋研究所张国范研究员领导的 Ruditapes phi