
来源 :河北农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sadiori1383
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在“三秋”大忙季节过去以后,许多家庭都会剩余一些农药,要存放到第二年才能使用。在存放农药的过程中,有些农民由于缺乏农药知识,思想不够重视,曾经多次出现人畜中毒事故。那么,家庭应当怎样存放剩余农药呢?现谈以下几点: 一、不要在人住的屋子里存放农药。因为多数农药都有挥发和熏蒸作用,有毒气体和粉末都可以通过呼吸道进入人体,使人产生中毒症状,如头晕、恶心、耳鸣等,对健康威胁很大。二、不要把农药和粮食、蔬菜、调料及其他食品混杂存放。因为在长时间混杂存放中,食物会受到污染,人吃了就会引起食物中毒。另外,人们在拿食物的时候,也会错拿农药,造成中毒。如有一个做豆腐的农民,错拿农药当卤 After the busy season of “Three Autumns,” many families will have some remaining pesticides left to be stored for the second year before they can be used. During the process of storing pesticides, some peasants have not given enough attention to the knowledge of pesticides due to the lack of knowledge on pesticides. There have been many human and animal poisoning incidents. So, how should the family store the remaining pesticides? Now talk about the following points: First, do not store pesticides in the living room. Because most pesticides have volatile and fumigant effects, toxic gases and powders can enter the body through the respiratory tract and cause toxic symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and tinnitus, posing a great threat to health. Second, do not put pesticides and food, vegetables, spices and other food mixed storage. Because in the long mixed storage, the food will be contaminated, people eat it will cause food poisoning. In addition, when people take food, they will mistakenly take pesticides, causing poisoning. If there is a tofu farmers, mistakenly take pesticides when brine
现介绍几种家庭装饰布的选用常识,供参考。 1.电视机、电风扇罩以柔软的棉布为好。因为它透气性好,散热快,对电器能起一定的保护作用。 2.沙发罩应选用甲丙纶。因为它耐磨性
Cotton is classed for grade, staple, and micronaire to arrive at a description of its quality in terms of the official cotton standards Lighting conditions. -S