Win Honors for the Motherland and the Birthplace Indonesia with Gratitude and Forethought

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There was a young boy who presented the bouquet on behalf of the nation to Premier Zhou Enlai during the Bandung Conference (also called Asian-African Conference) which was held in 1955, a young lad who spent endless efforts in saving huge amount of foreign capitals for his motherland— China during the economic reform, a young businessman with philanthropy concern that commands proficient dialectics and contradiction theories, a society leader that care about the de- velopment, as well as disastrous events of the two countries, China and Indonesia, a civil diplomat that promote and bridge multilateral economic developments between China, Indonesia and many other countries. This is our interviewee — Mr. Jackson Leung

Sze Mau, Chairman of Golden Island Cable Company, Hong Kong.
The reporter traveled a long way to the Pearl of the Orient, and met Mr. Jackson Leung, in June, a month away from the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Leung shared his life experience and stories, the reporter was deeply moved by his patriotism, passion and excitement.
A Heart of Sincerity since Youth
When visiting the Hong Kong Federation of Overseas Chinese Associations in 2009, Li Haifeng, head of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, conveyed the messages of President Hu Jintao, expressed gratitude to overseas Chinese for their contributions to the country, and stressed the importance of education in childhood. Leung is a model to be emulated on. He is very patriotic and carries on the tradition of patriotism through actual deeds.
Born in western Java, Indonesia in 1940, Leung is a third-generation overseas Chinese. His grandfather went to Indonesia for a living at the end of the 19th century. Like other overseas Chinese, the Leung’s family has the virtues of diligence, hard working, enduring adversity and thrift and start running business after accumulating a little wealth.
With strong attachments to the motherland China, Leung received his education in a Chinese school. Leung clearly remembered that at late 1949, he returned to school after a holiday and find that the school was newly painted, with the hanging of photos of Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai and Zhu De on the wall. He learned from the headmaster and teachers that the People’s Republic of China was founded. He was so excited to think that overseas Chinese finally had the protection from the Chinese government and people.
The Bandung Conference held in Indonesia in 1955 was a result of changes in the situations in Asia and Africa and the burgeoning movements of national independence after the World War II. It marked the beginning of the cooperation between Asian and African countries. It is a milestone in China’s history on the world stage. At such an important moment in history, Leung, outstanding in conduct and academic achievement, was chosen to present a bouquet to Premier Zhou, and received care and encouragement from Ali Sastroamidjojo, Prime Minister of Indonesia. This enviable experience planted the root of patriotism into the mind of Leung.
Together with a large number of other overseas Chinese aspiring youth, Leung returned to China and started to study in Beijing Overseas-Chinese School in 1960.
The Sixties was the most difficult days after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Suffering from the economic sanction by the United States, the Soviet Union and other nations, and natural disasters at homeland, people across the country had to “tighten their belts”. Although there were no diet restrictions on overseas Chinese students, Leung and other students voluntarily reduced food consumption to cope with the disasters with the rest of the Chinese people. They did not complain at all, even though they were starving and not living comfortably.
At that time, people across the nation were called on to learn philosophy. Leung said, “Those two years and a half was a turning point in my life, which had been shaping my values of personal life and global spectrum. I learned many things that I couldn’t have learned overseas.”
Learner of philosophy and successful businessman
“All people should learn philosophy, as it helps us to have a clear mind and to think and deal with problems dialectically.”
Leung is a calm, low-profile, decent and philanthropic businessman.

He is good at doing research and listening to the suggestions of the team. During the interview, he mentioned theories on practice and contradictions for many times, and he is good at finding the major contradictions. Knowledge in philosophy has contributed to his success in business.
In 1963, Leung relocated to Hong Kong alone and founded Chun Lung Trading Company. He described himself as a juggler. During the past 48 years in conducting business, he could always find opportunities. He sold Chinese mosquito coils, zippers and other goods in Indonesia, taking 90% of the country’s market share, exported Chinese products to regions across the world via Korean buyers, manufactured and sold Sony Television appliances in Indonesia. Besides, he actively promoted economic and trade relations between Chinese and Japanese enterprises, helped solving the problems of the Indonesia Consulate in Hong Kong with respect to its premises and the 22-storey building. He was awarded by the Indonesia government for his great contributions to the country and its people. He managed to juggle all the many jobs very well.
In 1983, Leung’s company and the Daewoo Group of the Republic of Korea won the bid for a chili deal worth US$12 million. However, Leung’s Chinese trading partner abandoned the project after supplying 60% of the contract goods. In order to maintain credibility and complete the contract, Leung travelled to many provinces and cities in China to ensure a steady supply of chili.
Under the help of Sinograin, Leung went to Qingdao, Shandong province, which produces Yidu chili. This kind of chili is of good quality but not famous. In October when the Yidu Chili was harvested, Leung withstood the scorching heat in daytime and the coldness at night, made full use of local connections, mobilized the enthusiasm of local suppliers, and shipped the chili by train, ship and other means to Hong Kong day and night. The Yidu Chili were then shipped to Pusan, the Republic of Korea in containers according to the time schedule stipulated in the contract. The whole process was a marvel.
Since then, the Republic of Korea has imported Shandong Yidu chili every year, contributing to the increase of China’s foreign reserve.
Leung told the reporter that this move won the trust of Korean peer companies. They not only purchased dry Chinese chili, but also increased the order of chili powder. Chinese chili powder was then sold in over 500 Korean supermarkets along the eastern and western coasts of the United States, and also in Japan, Australia and many other countries and regions. With the expansion of business, Leung introduced fine Japanese mushroom seeds to Fujian province. The mushrooms were farmed and processed into thick, big and fine mushrooms, after going through a special baking process. Leung also expanded the overseas market of processed bright red beans and other agricultural products.
Money saver for the country
In 1978, China’s economy ushered in a new chapter. As pioneers of economic reform and opening up of the market, overseas Chinese funded enterprises were the first to invest in China and made the largest amount of investment. Overseas Chinese not only brought in funds and projects, but also advanced technology and management. They are the most active and enthusiastic supporters of the reform and opening up. Leung is the most outstanding one in this regard.
In 1982, the Chinese government purchased a considerable amount of communications cables from Yugoslavia and Romania. But the quality and performance of the cables were not up to the international standards or the requirements stated in the contract. In the first batch of delivery, the outer protective lead covering of the communications cables of the 48-core copper core paper insulated, inflatable aluminum shield outer sheath lead covering was too soft to be installed into the pipeline. In the second batch of delivery, as the lead covering of the cables were too hard, there were often cracks in the lead wrap at the turning points, leading to leakage and many other problems. The problems remained unsolved after the products were returned for twice.
Under such circumstances, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office under the State Council recommended Leung, who was experienced in communications cables. He promised to deliver

up-to-standard products in time.
In just six weeks, US$3 million worth of communications cables were shipped from the Incheon port of South Korea under the direction of Leung, and arrived at Tanggu Port in Tianjin the next day. Jackson Leung rushed from Incheon to Tanggu to supervise the handling of the cargo. After the cables were delivered to the warehouse of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Leung checked the cables one by one, to make sure all of those were up to standard. The cables supplied by Leung’s company had a life time of 50 years, compared with the international standard of 30 years. These cables were laid in the outskirts of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and the neighboring areas in time for the development of the communication networks in the eastern coastal regions.
In the 1980s, most of the communications cables used in China were manufactured by Japanese companies and were priced very high. In fact, Japan had moved efficient, high quality, high-tech labor-intensive industries to South Korea in as early as the 1970s. Cables manufactured in Korea were labeled as Japanese brands, and then sold to China at such high prices. Besides, the prices of international tender were often controlled by Japanese companies.
Driven by a strong sense of responsibility, Leung suggested to the Government to place orders directly with Korean companies. They could produce the same cables with Japanese companies. The only difference was that the cables would be labeled as “Golden Island Cable Brand and was at half the price of Japanese ones.
From 1986 to 2000, under the strong support of the central government, Leung began to participate in international bidding for China’s telecommunications cables. In the next 15 years, with integrity and patriotism, Leung helped China replacing the old communications equipment nationwide with highquality, high-tech ones, saving hundreds of millions US$ in foreign exchange for the economically weak country. At the same time, Leung actively set up plants in China to manufacture cables for export abroad, generating a considerable amount of foreign exchange.
“I was pursuing a low profit mar- gin, when participating in China’s renovation of the communications industry. I was happier to see my country prosper than to see myself wealthy. What I disdain the most is to put profit before everything. “
Besides, in the late 1980s, Leung led the first Business Delegation of the Heavy Industries of the Republic of Korea to China, including Leung’s long-term partner Taihan Electric Wire Co., Ltd., to understand the nation’s investment environment. The Republic of Korea and China hadn’t established diplomatic relations at that time. Thanks to Leung’s efforts, Taihan Electric Wire invested US$60 million in high-tech cable projects in Beijing and Qingdao. This started a wave of Korean funds and high technologies coming to China.
Li Haifeng, head of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office once said, “Every time the Chinese people suffered from hardships, overseas Chinese always came to help immediately. Leung has always been one of the first to help whenever he knew his motherland was suffering. And he would do his best to call for other overseas Chinese to offer support.
During the SARS outbreak, Leung donated RMB 180, 000 worth of drugs, resources, and 3,000 sets of SARS isolation gowns, protective caps, shoe covers and other protective equipment. Besides, he organized the president
Fig 1: Chinese ambassador to Indonesia Lan Lijun (fourth on the right), vice-president of China Charity Federation He Tongxing (fourth on the left), General Secretary of China Red Cross Association Wang Haijing (third on the left), coordinators of the Disaster Relief Committee of the Chinese Society in Indonesia Liao Zhangran (second on the left) and Chen Minsheng (first on the right), assistant to the general manager of Sinohydro Corporation Du Nan (first on the left), deputy general manger of Sinohydro Corporation (second on the right), Jackson Leung (third on the right).
Fig 2: China-Indonesia Friendship Village
Fig 3: An impressive Indonesian mosque
Fig 4: 606 civil houses and well-paved roads
Fig 5-8: In 1988 Leung led the first Business Delegation of the Heavy Industries of the Republic of Korea to China to understand the nation’s investment environment. The Republic of Korea and China hadn’t established diplomatic relations at that time. Thanks to Leung’s efforts, Taihan Electric Wire held the inauguration ceremony of Dajing Communications Cable Ltd in March 1992 and signed agreement to invest in and operate the Qingdao Qungda Cables Ltd in October 1992.

and members of the Hong Kong Association for Promoting Peaceful Reunification of China to donate tens of thousands sets of protective clothing to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shandong, Hebei and other provinces.
When the South Indian Ocean tsunami ravaged Indonesia in 2004, Leung immediately participated in the North Sumatra Chinese Societies Disaster Relief Committee organized by the 65 Chinese social organizations in the Province of North Sumatra. Thanks to his efforts, the China-Indonesia Friendship Village was founded in July 19, 2007, under the aid of China Charity Federation, China Red Cross and the China Hydropower Engineering Group Corporation. A groundbreaking ceremony of the village was held on May 18, 2006 in Niheng Village, Aceh Besar County, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Covering an area of 22.4 hectares, the village has a total of 606 two-bedroom houses, each of 42 square meters. Made of brick and concrete, the houses are resistant to 8- magnitude earthquakes, 11-scale typhoons, and are equipped with heat insulation. The houses take on the traditional local style of “Aceh house” and some modern features at the same time, conforming to the local religious habits. In addition, the village includes schools, nurseries, shops, clinics, halls and gyms and other public buildings and community roads, drains, water towers, electricity and other supporting amenities. Now it has become one of Indonesia’s most unique tourist attractions.
Leung is most commendable for his devotion to the Beijing Olympic Games. After Beijing’s successful Olympic bid in 2001, Leung, as a member of the People’s Political Consultative Conference of Beijing, actively liaised with overseas Chinese people and associations to raise funds for the construction of Olympic venues.
In order to raise as much funds as possible, he proposed many donation plans. One of the plan was that anyone who donate US$100 for the construction of venues can have his or her name engraved on a monumental brick. This plan was widely accepted by overseas Chinese.
Leung also actively promoted Beijing Olympics overseas. He took full advantage of his connections, and called on religious, clan, alumni associations, and overseas Chinese groups in Southeast Asian countries to participate in the Olympic Games. Thanks to his efforts, over 52,000 people donated to the Olympic Games. Everything he did was purely out of love for his motherland. It’s fair to say Leung is the most dedicated volunteer for the Beijing Olympics. Leung said, “My intention is simple, I want our future generations to know that this generation has made contributions to the country.”
Leung was awarded the title of Outstanding Person in Promoting the Olympics by the Beijing Municipality for his outstanding contributions. “It was such a great surprise. I didn’t expect it.”
Civil diplomat
As a Chinese born overseas, Leung is not only attached to his motherland China, but also active in promoting economic and trade relations between China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Republic of Korea, Japan and other Asian countries.
Leung is worried about the fact that many Chinese enterprises only care about immediate profits. He calls on businessmen to have long-term vision, and be honest. In fact, his success in business owns greatly to his foresight, and consideration for the whole picture.
Premier Wen Jiabao set a new target of achieving US$80 billion in bilateral trade volume by 2015, at the meeting with Indonesian vice-President Boediono at the China-Indonesia Strategic Business Dialogue held in Jakarta on April 30. Leung has full confidence in meeting the target.
Leung has been traveling back and forth between China and Indonesia for many years, and has made great efforts to promote trade cooperation and friendly exchanges between the two nations.
Since 2010, Leung, as an important witness of the Bandung Conference, was invited by the Foreign Ministry of Indonesia and the Bandung Conference Museum, to tell people, especially young people, about that period of history.
Leung published the Chinese version of the handbook of the Museum of Bandung Conference according to information provided by the museum, with a view to revitalize solidarity between Asian and African nations, and to strengthen friendly exchanges between China and Indonesia.
Recalling the time when he presented flowers to Premier Zhou and shook his hands at the Bandung, Leung said, “That was the most touching moment in my life. Whenever I think of that moment, I feel inspired by Premier Zhou’s warm smile, noble character, and patriotism.”
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